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258Willie NelsonCrazy - Willie NelsonWords and Music by Willie Nelson3originalpdf111
341Fats WallerFats Waller-The Music Makers (Book 2)Wild Cat Blues - When Somebody Think You're Wonderful76livrepdf110
355GenesisFoxtrot - Complete piano vocal score- GenesisWatcher of the skies - Time table - Get'em out by Friday - Can-Utilily and the Coastliners - Horizons - Super's ready 79livrepdf100
364John Legend - John StephensGet Lifted - John Legend - John StephensWords and Music by John Stephens, Will Adams, Sylvester Stewart, Kanye West, Rick Shobin, Curtis Mayfield, Calvin Brodus, Dave Tozer, DeVon Harris, Paul Cho, Leon Ware, Pamela Sawyer, Anthony Hester, Tarey Torae --------- Prelude, Let's Get Lifted, Used To Love U, Alright, She Don't Have To Know, Number One, I Can Change, Ordinary People, Stay With You, Let's Get Lifted Again, So High, Refuge (When It's Cold Outside), It Don't Have To Change, Live It Up82livrepdf111
385QueenGreatest hits - QueenWe will rock you, We are the champions, Killer queen, Radio gaga, Save me, Bohemian rhapsody34livrepdf111
685Nina SimoneMy babe just cares for me - Nina SimoneWords by Gus Kahn - Music by Walter Donaldson 7originalpdf111
695Lady AntebellumNeed you now - Lady AntebellumWords and Music by Dave Haywood, Charles Kelley, Hillary Scott and Josh Kear7originalpdf111
717George GershwinOwn Transcriptions - George GershwinWords by Ira Gershwin - Music by George Gershwin - Arranged by George Gershwin - Fascinating Rhythm - I Got Rhythm - Somebody Loves Me - That Certain Feeling - Sweet And Low-Down - Nobody But You - 'S Wonderful - I'll Build A Stairway To Paradise - Do-Do-Do - Clap Yo' Hands - Do It Again - My One And Only - The Man I Love - Liza (All The Clouds'll Roll Away) - Strike Up The Band - Swanee - Who Cares? (So Long As You Care For Me) - Oh, Lady Be Good! - 42livrepdf000
718John Schmidt, Steve NelsonPachelbel Meets U2 - John Schmidt, Steve NelsonWith or Without You - Written by Adam Clayton, David Evans, Paul Hewson, Laurence Mullen - Canon in D, written by Johann Pachelbel - arranged by Jon Schmidt, Steve Nelson (from the album W i n t e r S e r e n a d e ) - Solo Piano10originalpdf000
745George WinstonPiano Solos (2) - George WinstonWalking in the Air - The Velveteen Rabbit198livrepdf000
746Bill EvansPiano solos - Bill EvansWaltz for Debby - Very Early - Time Remembered - My Bells - Interplay - Fudgesicle Built For Four23livrepdf000
748Wolfgang Amadeus MozartPiano Sonata No. 6 in D major, K 284 (205b) - Wolfgang Amadeus MozartWolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 6 in D major, K 284 (205b) (1775) is a sonata in three movements: 1.Allegro 2.Rondo and Polonaise (andante) 3.Theme with variations25originalpdf000
749Wolfgang Amadeus MozartPiano Sonata No. 8 in A minor, K 310 (300d) - Wolfgang Amadeus MozartWolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 8 in A minor, K 310 (300d) (1778) is a sonata in three movements: 1.Allegro maestoso 2.Andante cantabile con espressione 3.Presto19originalpdf000
793Wolfgang Amadeus MozartRequiem - Wolfgang Amadeus MozartWith original sheets and extra information - Serie 1: Geistliche Gesangswerke - Werkgruppe 1 : Messen und Requiem - Abteilung 2 : Requiem - Teilband 1 : Mozarts Fragment - Vorgelegt Von Leopold Nowak84livrepdf000
815SealSeal (Book 1)Words by Sealhenri Samuel - Music by Sealhenri Samuel and Guy Sigsworth - The Beginning - Deep Water - Crazy - Killer - Whirlpool - Future Love Paradise - Wild - Show Me - Violet64livrepdf111
816SealSeal (Book 2)Words and Music by Seal, Gus Isidore, Wendy Melvoin, Lisa Coleman, Chris Bruce and Carmen Rizzo - Bring it on - Prayer for the dying - Dreaming in metaphors - Don't cry - Fast changes - Kiss from a rose - People asking why - If I could - Newborn friend - I'm alive - Bring it on (Reprise)75livrepdf111
817SealSeal (Human Beings)Words and Music by Seal, Earl Harvin, Reggie Hamilton and Christopher Bruce - Human Beings - State Of Grace - Latest Craze - Just Like You Said - Princess - Lost My Faith - Excerpt From - When A Man Is Wrong - Colour - Still Love Remains - No Easy Way - Human Beings Reprise71livrepdf111
900Céline DionThat's the way it is - Céline DionWords and Music by Max Martin, Kristian Ludin and Andreas Carlsson6originalpdf111
1029Dmitri KabalevskyThirty Pieces for Children - Opus 27 - Piano - Dmitri KabalevskyWaltz Time - Ditty - Etude - At Night on the River - Playing Ball - Sad Story - Old Dance - Cradle Song - Little Fable - Clowning - Rondo - Toccatina - A Little Prank - Scherzo - March - Lyric Piece - Meadow Dance - Sonatina - War Dance - Fairy Tale - The Chase - The Tale - Snow Storm - Etude - Novelette - Etude - Dance - Caprice - Songs of the Cavalry - Dramatic Episode63livrepdf000
1055Wolfgang Amadeus MozartTwelve variations on Ah ! vous dirai-je, maman - Wolfgang Amadeus MozartWolfgang Amadeus Mozart a composé Variations sur « Ah ! vous dirais-je, maman », K.265, en 1781-1782 (à l'origine daté de 1778), à Vienne, alors qu'il était âgé de 25 ans. Écrite pour piano, cette pièce est composée de 13 parties12simplifiéepdf000
1082Marc CohnWalking in Memphis - Marc CohnWalking in Memphis est une chanson phare du compositeur-interprète américain Marc Cohn, issue de son album homonyme sorti en 1991.10originalpdf111
1083Robert SchumannWanderlied - Robert SchumannWanderlied Op.35 N° 3 - Composer : Robert Schumann - Lyricist : Justinus Kerner3originalimage100
1084QueenWe are the champions - QueenWe are the champions - Freddie Mercury3originalpdf111
1088Esther PhillipsWhat a diff'rence a day made - Esther PhillipsWhat a diff'rence a day made - Musique de Maria Grever - Paroles originales de Stanley Adams3originalpdf110
1089Louis ArmstrongWhat a wonderful word - Louis ArmstrongWhat a wonderful word - Words and Music by George David Weiss and Bob Thiele3originalpdf110
1090Louis ArmstrongWhat A Wonderful World - L. ArmstrongWhat A Wonderful World - Words and Music by George David Weiss and Bob Thiele - Piano3originalpdf110
1091Michel LegrandWhat are you doing the rest of your life - Michel LegrandWhat are you doing the rest of your life - Musique de Michel Legrand - Piano2originalpdf010
1092PrinceWhen Doves Cry - PrinceWhen Doves Cry - Composed by Prince6originalpdf111
1094PrinceWhen you were mine - PrinceWhen you were mine - Composed by Prince6originalpdf111
1095Avril LavigneWhen you're gone - Avril LavigneWhen you're gone - Avril lavigne5relevépdf000
1096Brian MayWho Wants To Live For Ever - Brian MayWho Wants To Live For Ever - Words and Music by Brian May - Vocal Score Arrangement by Mike Dixon and Brian May5originalpdf111
1097Frankie LymonWhy do fools fall in love ? - Frankie LymonWhy do fools fall in love ? - Words and Music by Frankie Lymon & Morris Levy2originalpdf111
1098PrinceWhy you wanna treat me so bad ? - PrinceWhy you wanna treat me so bad ? - Composed by Prince5originalpdf111
1100Chris IsaakWicked game - Chris IsaakWicked game - Words and Music by Chris Isaak - Wicked Game est une chanson de Chris Isaak issue de son troisième album studio Heart Shaped World.4originalpdf111
1101ScorpionsWind of Change - ScorpionsWind of Change est une chanson du groupe de hard rock allemand Scorpions composée en 1990 par le chanteur du groupe Klaus Meine et issue de l'album Crazy World.3originalpdf110
1102The Hush SoundWine Red - The Hush SoundWine Red - The Hush Sound - From Like Vines""3originalpdf000
1103Fred RogersWon't you be my neighbor ? - Fred RogersWon't you be my neighbor ? (It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood) - Words and Music by Fred Rogers2originalpdf111
1105Mike GuglielmucciWorship you alone - Mike GuglielmucciWorship you alone (Words and Music by Mike Guglielmucci)10originalpdf110
1122Jamie CullumTwentySomething - Jamie CullumWhat a difference a day made - These are the days - Singin' in the rain - Twentysomething - But for now - Old devil moon - I could have dance all night - Blame it on my youth - I get a kick out of you - All at sea - Wind cries Mary - Lover, You should have come over - It's about time - Next year, baby100livrepdf111
1148Various ArtistsWedding Collection for Violin and PianoWedding March (R.Wagner) - Air (J.S.Bach) - Ave Maria (C.Gounod) - Cantabile (G.Tartini) - Traumerei (R. Schumann) - Ave Maria (F.Schubert) - Largo (G.Handel) - Adagio (T.Albinoni) - Wedding March (F.Mendelssohn-Bartholdy)37livrepdf000
1152SupertrampRudy - SupertrampWords and Music by Richard Davies and Roger Hodgson9originalpdf111
1202Harry NilssonWithout You - Harry NilssonWithout You - Words and Music by Peter Ham and Tom Evans3originalpdf111
1210Marc AnthonyMarc Anthony - BookWhen I Dream at Night - Am I the Only One - I Need to Know (Dimelo) - You Sang to Me - My Babe You - No One - How Could I - That's Okay - Don't Let Me Leave - Remember Me - She's Been Good to Me (Me Quiere A Mi) - Love Is All - De La Vuelta94livrepdf111
1262Elton John - Tim Rice - Hans ZimmerThe Lion King - Walt Disney - Elton John - Tim Rice - Hans ZimmerWalt Disney Pictures Presents : The Lion King - Orginals Songs - Music by Elton John - Lyrics by Tim Rice - Score Composed by Hans Zimmer - Circle Of Life - I Just Can't Wait To Be A King - Be Prepared - Hakuna Matata - Can You Feel The Love Tonight - This Land - King Of Pride Rock - Piano Solos41livrepdf000
1283Wolfgang Amadeus MozartSonate N° 8 - K.310/300d - Wolfgang Amadeus MozartWolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 8 in A minor, K. 310/300d, written in 1778 is a sonata in three movements14originalpdf000
1329Burt Bacharach - Tom JonesWhat's New Pussycat? - Burt Bacharach - Tom JonesWhat's New Pussycat? - Music by Burt Bacharach - Lyric by Hal David - From the Charles K. Feldman Production "What's New Pussycat?" - Interprété par Tom Jones.2originalpdf110
1405Alan Menken - David SpencerWeird Romance - Alan Menken - David SpencerWeird Romance - Keyboard / Conductor Score - Music by Alan Menken - Lyrics by David Spencer - Handwritten - Two One-Act Musicals of Speculative Fiction230livrepdf100
1455Leonard BernsteinWest Side Story - Leonard BernsteinWest Side Story - Music by Leonard Bernstein - Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim - America - Cool - I Feel Pretty - Maria - One Hand, One Heart - Something's Coming - Somewhere - Tonight - Based On An Idea By Jerome Robbins - Book By Arthur Laurents - Entire Production Directed And Choreographed By Jerome Robbins35livrepdf111
1488Various ArtistsThe Big Book Of SoulWalkin' The Dog - See Saw - Get Up (I Feel Like Being) A Sex Machine - Cold Sweat, Pt. 1 - Please Accept My Love - Take Me To The River - I'm Still In Love With You - Tell It Like It Is - I've Been Loving You Too Long - Mr. Pitiful - Respect Yourself - Let's Get It On - Pick Up The Pieces - I'll Take You There - Stand By Me - The Happy Song - Pain In My Heart - Hold On I'm Comin' - If You're Ready (Come Go With Me) - Respect - I'll Play The Blues For You - It's Gonna Work Out Fine - Send Me Some Lovin' - Do The Funky Chicken - Do Your Thing - I'll Be Your Shelter (In Time Of Storm) - Son Of Shaft - Soul Finger - Soul Limbo - Time Is Tight - Tired Of Being Alone - Wrap It Up - You Don't Know Like I Know - Born Under A Bad Sign - Chains Of Love - Green Onions - Groovin' - Hallelujah I Love Him (Her) So - I Can't Get Next To You - I Can't Stop Loving You - I Got You (I Feel Good) - I Heard It Through The Grapevine - I Thank You - I Wish - My Girl - What'd I Say - I'll Come Running Back To You - If Loving You Is Wrong I Don't Want To Be Right - In The Midnight Hour - Kiss And Say Goodbye - Knock On Wood - Land Of A Thousand Dances - Lonely Teardrops - Little Red Rooster - Mustang Sally - (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman - One Mint Julep - Papa's Got A Brand New Bag - A Rainy Night In Georgia - 634-5789 - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay - Soul Man - Soul Man - The Tears Of A Clown - Theme From Shaft - The Thrill Is Gone - Touch A Hand, Make A Friend - Where Did Our Love Go - Hard To Handle - (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher And Higher - Gee Whiz287livrepdf111
1500Oliver Wallace - Ned WashingtonWhen I See an Elephant Fly - Oliver Wallace - Ned WashingtonWhen I See an Elephant Fly (From Walt Disney's "Dumbo") - Words by Ned Washington - Music by Oliver Wallace3originalpdf110
1540Weather ReportWeather Report - Best Of (Full Score)Weather Report - Best Of (Full Score) - (Japanese Book) Black Market - Cannon Ball - Birdland - A Remark You Made - Young and Fine - Dream Clock - Rockin' Rhythm - Volcano For Hire - Procession - (Sax / Synth / Keyboards / Bass / Drums)117livrepdf010
1610William ShellerWilliam Sheller Volume 1William Sheller Volume 1 : Un homme heureux - Nicolas - Basket-ball - Chanson lente - Maman est folle - Les miroirs dans la boue - Les petites filles modèles - Symphoman36livrepdf110
1611William ShellerWilliam Sheller Volume 2William Sheller Volume 2 : J'me gênerai pas pour dire que j't'aime encore - Une chanson qui te ressemblerait - Une chanson noble et sentimentale - Les mots qui viennent tout bas - Un endroit pour vivre - Oh ! J'cours tout seul - Les filles de l'aurore - Fier et fou de vous - Genève - Rock'n'dollars45livrepdf110
1641William ShellerWilliam Sheller EpuresWilliam Sheller Epures : Mon hôtel - Loulou - Pour la main gauche - Clandestine - Chanson d'automne - Aidan Song - Toutes les choses qu'on lui donne - Elvira - Cantilène - Les machines absurdes - Revenir bientôt - J'en avais envie aussi35livrepdf110
1654WingsWings Greatest HitsWings Greatest Hits : Another Day - Band On The Run - Hi, Hi, Hi - Let 'Em In - Jet - Junior's Farm - Live And Let Die - Mull of Kintyre - My Love - Silly Love Songs - Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey - With A Little Luck55livrepdf111
1745Delta GoodremWill You Fall For Me - Delta GoodremWill You Fall For Me - Delta Goodrem - Words and Music by Delta Goodrem4originalimage111
1777Michel DelpechWight is Wight - Michel DelpechWight is Wight - Michel Delpech - Musique de Roland Vincent - Paroles de Michel Delpech - Style Folk-Dylan2originalpdf110
1923Joëlle UrsullWhite and Black Blues - Joëlle UrsullWhite and Black Blues - Joëlle Ursull - Musique de Georges Augier - Paroles de Serge Gainsbourg3originalpdf110
1924ScorpionsWind of Change - ScorpionsWind of Change - Scorpions - Musique de Klaus Meine4originalpdf110
1954Esther PhillipsWhat a diff'rence a day made - Esther PhillipsWhat a diff'rence a day made - Esther Phillips - Musique de Maria Mendez Grever - Paroles originales de Stanley Adams - Originally, the song was known as Cuando Vuelva A Tu Lado ("When I Return To Your Side"). The song is also known in English as "What a Diff'rence a Day Makes".2originalpdf110
1981Claude FrançoisWalk Right In (Marche Tout Droit) - Claude FrançoisWalk Right In (Marche Tout Droit) - Claude François - Paroles originales et Musique de Gus Cannon et Hosea Woods - Paroles françaises de Claude François et Vline-Buggy2originalpdf110
1991Ray CharlesWhat'D I Say - Ray CharlesWhat'D I Say - Ray Charles - Paroles et Musique de Ray Charles4originalpdf110
2025Stephen SchwartzWicked - Piano / Vocal - Stephen SchwartzWicked est une comédie musicale américaine de Stephen Schwartz (paroles, musique) et Winnie Holzman (livret), créée le 30 octobre 2003 au George Gershwin Theatre de Broadway. - All songs of Wicked the musical inlcuding The Wizard and I, What is this feeling, One short day, Defying Gravity, Wonderful, I'm not that girl, As long as you're mine, For good, etc. Piano / Vocal337livrepdf110
2103Wham! - George Michael and Andrew RidgeleyWham! - Make It Big Wham! - Make It Big : Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Everything She Wants - Careless Whisper - Freedom - Like A Baby - Heartbeat - Credit Card Baby - Wham! were a British musical duo formed by George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley in the early 1980s.They were briefly known in the United States as Wham! UK due to a naming conflict with a lesser known American band.29livrepdf111
2197Various ArtistsLove Duets for Piano - A Piano Collection of Noel Whenever you call (Brian McKnight/Mariah Carey) - I'm your angel (Celine Dion/R. Kelly) - When I said I do (Clint Black/Lisa Hartman Black) - I will always love you (Dolly Parton/Vince Gill) - Just to hear you say that you love me (Faith Hill/Tim McGraw) - Let's make love (Faith Hill/Tim McGraw) - Up where we belong (Joe Cocker/Jennifer Warnes) - Endless love (Lionel Richie/Diana Ross) - Almost paradise (Mike Reno/Anne Wilson) - Come what may (Nicole Kidman/Ewin McGregor) - My kind of woman / My kind of man (Vince Gil/Patty Loveless) - Could I have this kiss forever (Whitney Houston/Enrique Iglesias) 61livrepdf111

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