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ID Artiste Titre des Partitions Request for sheet music<!-- in abeyance-->    Contenu des Partitions    Request for sheet music<!-- in abeyance--> Page Partition Format Paroles Accord Guitare
7Michel Berger10 chansons adaptées pour piano solo - Michel BergerDiego, libre dans sa tête - Les uns contre les autres - Message personnel - Quelque chose de Tennessee - Seras-tu là - Plus de sentiments - Si maman si - Quelques mots d'amour - Evidemment - La groupie du pianiste43livrepdf000
22Various Artists101 Hits for buskers Book 2Don't Stay Away Too Long, Everybody's Talking, Fascination, First Time Ever I Saw Your Face, For All We Know, For The Good Times, Freedom Come Freedom Go, From Both Sides Now, Go Before You Break My Heart, Gonna Build A Mountain, Good Morning Starshine (Hair), Goodbye To Love, Hard Day's Night, Hello Summertime, High Hopes, I Love You Because, I Wanna Be Around, I Want To Give, I Will Wait For You, I Won't Last A Day Without You, It Was A Very Good Year126livrepdf110
39Edith Piaf25 chansons - Edith PiafDans les prisons de Nantes - Comme un moineau - L'étranger - Mon amant de la coloniale - Mon légionnaire - Le fanion de la légion - L'accordéoniste - Les amants de Paris - Si tu partais - Mea culpa - Avec ce soleil - Les trois cloches - A l'enseigne de la fille sans coeur - Comme moi - Mon manège à moi - Un étranger - La ville inconnue - Cri du coeur - Mon Dieu - Dans leur baiser - Toujours aimer - La belle histoire d'amour - Non, je ne regrette rien - L'homme de Berlin 79livrepdf110
69Diana RossAin't No Mountain High Enough - Diana RossDiana Ross : Ain't No Mountain High Enough - Words and Music by Nickolas Ashford and Valerie Simpson 2originalpdf111
73Dire StraitsAlchemy (Live) - Dire StraitsDire Straits - Alchemy (Live) : Words and Music by Mark Knopfler - Expresso Love - Going Home (Theme From 'Local Hero') - Love Over Gold - Private Investigations - Romeo And Juliet - Once Upon A Time In The West - Solid Rock - Sultans Of Swing - Telegraph Road - Tunnel Of Love - Two Young Lovers67livrepdf111
145David BowieBest Of - The Definitive Collection For Guitar - David BowieDavid Bowie - Best Of - The Definitive Collection For Guitar : Changes - China Girl - Diamond Dogs - Fame - Heroes - I'am Afraid of Americans - Rebel, Rebel - Space Oddity - Station to Station - Suffragette City - TVC 15 - Young Americans - Ziggy Stardust105livrepdf111
172RenaudBoucan d'enfer - RenaudDocteur Renaud, Mister Renard - Petit pédé - Je vis caché - Coeur perdu - Manhattan Kaboul - Elle a vu le loup - Tout arrêter... - Baltique - L'entarté - Boucan d'enfer - Mon nain de jardin - Mal barrés - Corsic'armes - Mon bistrot préféré - Mon Paradis perdu71livrepdf111
234Norah JonesCome Away With Me (Book - Guitar Tab) - Norah JonesDon't Know Why - Seven Years - Cold Cold Heart - Feelin' The Same Way - Shoot the Moon - Turn Me On - Lonestar - I've Got to See You Again - Painter Song - One Flight Down - Nightingale - The Long Day Is Over - The Nearness of You - Guitar Tablature Explained69livrepdf111
235Norah JonesCome Away With Me (Book - Keyboard) - Norah JonesDon't Know Why - Seven Years - Cold Cold Heart - Feelin' The Same Way - Shoot the Moon - Turn Me On - Lonestar - I've Got to See You Again - Painter Song - One Flight Down - Nightingale - The Long Day Is Over - The Nearness of You87livrepdf111
264Sidney BechetDaniel - Sidney BechetDaniel - Musique de Sidney Bechet - Piano3originalpdf010
265Sidney BechetDans les rues d'Antibes - Sidney BechetDans les rues d'Antibes (Marche) - Paroles et Musique de Sidney Bechet3originalpdf110
268Franz Joseph HaydnDas Lied Der Deutschen - Franz Joseph HaydnDas Lied Der Deutschen / Emperor Hymn - Franz Joseph Haydn (1732 - 1809) - Arranged William Wallace - Piano 2simplifiéepdf000
269Jean-Sébastien BachDas wohltemperierte Klavier (1) - Jean-Sébastien BachDas wohltemperierte Klavier (1) - Jean-Sébastien Bach - The Well-Tempered Clavier - Johann Sebastian Bach - Le Clavier bien tempéré - Le premier recueil — BWV 846 à BWV 869 — (1722/1723)117livrepdf000
271Sylvie VartanDe l'autre côté de l'amour - Sylvie VartanDe l'autre côté de l'amour - Paroles et Musique de Michel Mallory4originalpdf110
272W.A. MozartDer Hölle rache from Die Zauberflöte - W.A. MozartDer Hölle rache from Die Zauberflöte - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Basically, the translation is The queen of the night". From the opera "Die Zauberflöte" or "The Magic Flute" - La Flûte enchantée en français."6originalpdf000
273Hugues AufrayDès que le printemps revient - Hugues AufrayDès que le printemps revient - Musique de Hugues Aufray - Paroles de Jacques Plante4originalpdf110
274Antonio Carlos JobimDesafinado - Antonio Carlos JobimDesafinado - Musica de Antonio Carlos Jobim - Letra de Newton Mendonça3originalpdf000
276Sylvie VartanDeux bateaux - Sylvie VartanDeux bateaux - Musique de Alice Dona - Paroles de Jacques Demarny et Guy Favereau3originalpdf110
278Serge GainsbourgDieu est un fumeur de havanes - Serge GainsbourgDieu est un fumeur de havanes - Serge Gainsbourg et Catherine Deneuve2simplifiéepdf110
279Sylvie VartanDilindam - Sylvie VartanDilindam - Paroles de Roger Dumas - Musique de Jean-Jacques Debout3originalpdf110
282Jean-Claude DarnalDites-moi M'sieur (L'oiseau) - Jean-Claude DarnalDites-moi M'sieur (L'oiseau) - Paroles et Musique de Jean-Claude Darnal3originalpdf110
284Jean-Claude BorelliDolannes Melodie - Jean-Claude BorelliDolannes Melodie - Musique de Paul de Senneville et Olivier Toussaint3originalpdf110
285Wolfgang Amadeus MozartDon Giovanni - Wolfgang Amadeus MozartDon Giovanni - Vocal score with piano reduction - An Opera in Two Acts - Libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte - Music by W. A. Mozart312livrepdf000
286Jesse HarrisDon't know why - Jesse HarrisDon't know why - Words and Music by Jesse Harris6originalpdf111
287Elton JohnDon't let the sun go down on me - Elton JohnDon't let the sun go down on me - Elton John9originalpdf000
288JourneyDon't Stop Believin' - JourneyDon't Stop Believin' - Words and Music by Steve Perry, Neal Schon and Jonathan Cain5originalpdf111
289Bobby McFerrinDon't Worry, Be Happy - Bobby McFerrinDon't Worry, Be Happy (Ne t'inquiète pas, sois heureux) est une des chansons les plus connues de Bobby McFerrin.7originalpdf111
290Stevie WonderDon't you worry 'bout a thing - Stevie WonderDon't you worry 'bout a thing - Words and Music by Stevie Wonder6originalpdf111
291Fernand GignacDonnez-moi des roses - Fernand GignacDonnez-moi des roses - Musique de Fernand Gignac3originalimage110
294Frank WildhornDracula - Frank WildhornDracula - Music by Frank Wildhorn - Lyrics by Don Black and Christopher Hampton256livrepdf110
295The Mamas and The PapasDream A Little Dream of Me - The Mamas and The PapasDream A Little Dream of Me - Words by Gus Kahn - Music by W. Schwand and F. Andre4originalpdf111
297Van HalenDreams - Van HalenDreams - Words and Music by Edward Van Halen, Sammy Hagar, Michael Anthony and Alex Van Halen6originalpdf000
298TrainDrops of Jupiter (Tell Me) - TrainDrops of Jupiter (Tell Me) - Words and Music by Pat Monahan, Jimmy Stafford, Rob Hotchkiss, Charlie Colin and Scott Underwood9originalpdf111
299TrainDrops Of Jupiter - TrainDrops Of Jupiter - Train - Words and Music: Scott Underwood / Pat Monahan / Rob Hotchkiss / Jimmy Stafford / Charlie Colin - Piano4originalpdf110
300Armand MestralDu haut du Sacré-Coeur - Armand MestralDu haut du Sacré-Coeur - Musique de Louis Gasté - Paroles de Georges Bérard et Louis Gasté3originalpdf110
301Sylvie VartanDum di la (He understands me) - Sylvie VartanDum di la (He understands me) - Paroles Françaises de Georges Aber - Paroles originales et Musique de Merle Kilgore et Margie Singleton3originalpdf110
452Herbie HancockImmortal Jazz Series - Herbie HancockDriftin' - And What If I Don't - Triangle - One Finger Snap - Dolphin Dance - The Eye of the Hurricane - The Sorcerer - Riot - Speak Like a Child - I Have a Dream - Fat Albert Rotunda - Chameleon - Hang Up Your Hang Ups153livrepdf010
463DalidaJ'attendrai - DalidaDalida - J'attendrai - Tornerai - Paroles italiennes de Nino Rastelli - Musique de Dino Olivieri - Paroles françaises de Louis Poterat2originalpdf110
764Dario MarianelliPride and Prejudice - Dario MarianelliDawn, Stars and Butterflies, The living sculptures of Pemberley, Georgiana, Leaving Netherfield, Another dance, The secret life of daydreams, Mrs. Darcy, Meryton townhall, Arrival at Netherfield, Liz on top of the world, Darcy's letter - Piano39livrepdf000
829Demi lovatoSkyscraper - Demi lovatoDemi Lovato (Demetria Devonne Lovato) - Skyscraper est une chanson de Demi Lovato écrite par Toby Gad, Kerli Kõiv et Lindy Robbins et produite par Toby Gad.5originalpdf000
918ShakiraThe Best of ShakiraDía De Enero - Don't Bother - Dreams For Plans - Hey You - Hips Don't Lie - Illegal - Inevitable - La Pared - La Tortura - No - Objection (Tango) - Octavo Día - Something - Te Dejo Madrid - The One - Underneath Your Clothes - Whenever, Wherever105livrepdf111
968TexasThe Hush - TexasDay after Day - Girl - In Our Lifetime - Move In - Saint - Summer Son - Sunday Afternoon - Tell Me the Answer - The Day Before I Went Away - The Hush - When We Are Together - Zero Zero63livrepdf111
1205Claude DebussyChildren's Corner - Claude DebussyDoctor Gradus ad Parnassum - Jimbo's Lullaby - Serenade of the Doll - The Snow is Dancing - The Little Shepherd - Golliwog's Cakewalk28livrepdf000
1206Jule Styne - Leo RobinDiamonds are a Girl's Best Friend - Jule Styne - Leo RobinDiamonds are a Girl's Best Friend - Music by Jule Styne - Lyrics by leo Robin - Herman Levin and Oliver Smith present Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (A New Musical Comedy) - Book by Joseph Fields and Anita Loos4originalpdf110
1218Marilyn MonroeThe Marilyn Monroe Songbook Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend - Bye Bye Baby - A Little Girl From Little Rock - I Wanna Be Loved By You - Incurably Romantic - My Heart Belongs To Daddy - Some Like It Hot - When I Fall In Love - Let's Make Love - That Old Black Magic - A Fine Romance44livrepdf111
1263Daniel LavoieMes vacances d'été - Daniel LavoieDaniel Lavoie - Claude Boux - Mes vacances d'été - La danse du smatte - La vérité sur la vérité - Boule qui roule - Dans l'temps des animaux - Angéline - J'ai quitté mon île24livrepdf110
1344Divers compositeursLe piano fait son cinéma (Vol.3) - Vincent Charrier - Béatrice QuoniamDelerue : Ouverture (LeMépris) - Cosma : Sirba (Grand Blond avec une chaussure noire) - Horner : The Secret Wedding (Braveheart) - Preisner : Les Marionnettes (La Double Vie de Véronique) - Livingston / Evans : Whatever will be, will be «Que sera sera» (L'homme qui en savait trop) - Alford : Colonel Bogey (Le Pont de la rivière Kwaï) - Mercer / Mancini : Moon River (Diamants sur canapé) - North : Unchained Melody (Ghost) - Goldsmith : Hyper Sleep (Alien, le huitième passager) - Piovani : Buon Giorno Principessa (La Vie est belle) - Granados : Andaluza (Kika) - Boccherini : Menuet (Greystoke, la légende de Tarzan) - Rossini : La Danza «Tarentelle napolitaine» (Le Corniaud) - Offenbach : Barcarolle des Contes d'Hoffrnann (La Vie est belle) - Mozart : Adagio du Concerto pour clarinette (Out of Africa) - Grieg : Au matin de Peer Gynt (Soleil vert) - Schubert : Moment musical n°2 (Au revoir les enfants) - Schumann : Scène d'enfant n°5 «Fast zu ernst» (Shine) - Delibes : Duo des fleurs de Lakmé (Babe, le cochon devenu berger) - Beethoven : Sonata quasi una fantasia op. 27 n°2 (Misery)54livrepdf000
1347Dave BrubeckDeluxe Piano Album - Dave BrubeckDave Brubeck : Bossa Nova U.S.A - Southern Scene (Briar Bush) - Three To Get Ready - Eleven Four - King For A Day - Castilian Drums - It's A Raggy Waltz - Blue Rondo A La Turk - Take Five - Cantiga Nova Swing (From Bossa Nova U.S.A.) - Summer Song (From Jazz Impressions of the U.S.A.) - Waltz Limp (From Countdown) - Strange Meadow Lark (From Time Out) - Blue Shadows In The Street (From Time Further Out) - Lamento (From Bossa Nova U.S.A.) - Home At Last (From Jazz Impressions of the U.S.A.) - Everybody's Jumpin' (From Time Out) - Points on Jazz (Piano Solo Version) : Prelude - Scherzo - Blues - Fugue - Rag - Chorale - Waltz - A la Turk161livrepdf010
1382Ray CharlesThe Piano Transcriptions - Ray CharlesDrown in my own tears - Georgia on my mind - Hallelujah I love her so - Hard times (No one knows better than I) - I believe to my soul - I can't stop loving you - Let's go get stoned - Lonely avenue - Shake a tail feather - A song for you - Sticks and stones - Take these chains from my heart - Unchain my heart - What'd I say94livrepdf111
1456Johann Strauss IIDie Fledermaus (en français, La Chauve-Souris) - Johann Strauss IIDie Fledermaus (en français, La Chauve-Souris) est une célèbre opérette viennoise de Johann Strauss II, écrite en 1874. Elle fut créée au Theater an der Wien de Vienne le 5 avril 1874.For Piano Solo168relevépdf100
1491Madeleine PeyrouxCareless Love - Madeleine PeyrouxDance Me To The End Of Love - Don't Wait Too Long - You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go - Don't Cry Baby - Between The Bars - No More - Lonesome Road - J'ai Deux Amours - Weary Blues - Careless Love - This Is Heaven To Me - I'll Look Around50livrepdf111
1504Zez ConfreyDizzy Fingers (1923) - Zez ConfreyDizzy Fingers (1923) - Zez Confrey6originalpdf000
1544Richard Wagner - Carl TausigDer Ritt der Walküren - La chevauchée des Walkyries - Richard Wagner - Carl TausigDer Ritt der Walküren von Richard Wagner für das Piano-Forte frei übertragen von Carl Tausig. La chevauchée des Walkyries, (en allemand, Walkürenritt ou Ritt der Walküren) est le terme populaire pour désigner le prélude de l'acte III de l'opéra Die Walküre composé par Richard Wagner.14originalpdf000
1551Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungDéjà Vu (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)Déjà Vu (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young) : Carry On • Teach your children • Cut my hair • Helpless • Déjà vu • Our house • 4 + 20 • Country girl • Everybody I love you • Lady of the island • Pre-road downs • Marrakesh Express • Suite: Judy blue eyes • Guinnevere • Wooden ships • Helplessly hoping • Long time gone • 49 Bye-byes • You don't have to cry106livrepdf111
1589Hall & OatesDaryl Hall & John Oates (Silver Album)Daryl Hall & John Oates (Silver Album) : She's gone - Camelia - Sara Smile - Alone too long - Out of me, out of you - Nothing at all - Ennui on the mountain - (You know) It doesnt matter anymore - Gino (The manager) - Grounds for separation43livrepdf111
1650Django ReinhardtDjango Reinhardt - The Definitive CollectionDjango Reinhardt - The Definitive Collection - Recorded Versions Guitar - Authentic Transcriptions With Notes And Tablature : Ain't Misbehavin' - Belleville - Daphne - Dinah - Dinette - Djangology - Honeysuckle Rose - Limehouse Blues - Marie - Mélodie au Crépuscule - Minor Swing - My Serenade - Nuages - Old Folks at Home (Swanee River) - Rose Room - Stardust - Swing 42 - Swing Guitar - Tiger Rag (Hold That Tiger) - The World is Waiting for the Sunrise173livrepdf011
1660Dean MartinDean Martin - Country StyleDean Martin - Country Style : Bouquet of Roses - Candy Kisses - Cold, Cold Heart - Hey, Good Lookin' - I can't Help It - Jealous Heart - Just a Little Lovin' - Room full of Roses18livrepdf110
1779Berthe SylvaDu Gris - Berthe SylvaDu Gris - Berthe Sylva - Musique de Ferdinand-Louis Bénech - Paroles de Ernest Dumont2originalpdf111
1788Robert JysorDans les jardins de l'Alhambra - Robert JysorDans les jardins de l'Alhambra - Robert Jysor - Musique de Ferdinand-Louis Bénech - Paroles de Ernest Dumont3originalpdf111
1789Robert JysorDolorosa - Robert JysorDolorosa - Robert Jysor - Musique de Ferdinand-Louis Bénech - Paroles de Ernest Dumont3originalpdf111
1844Dactylo Rock - Eddy Mitchell - Les Chaussettes NoiresDactylo Rock - Eddy Mitchell - Les Chaussettes NoiresDactylo Rock - Eddy Mitchell - Les Chaussettes Noires - Musique de Léo Missir - Paroles de Claude Moine et Léo Missir2originalpdf110
1886Roch VoisineDarlin' - Roch VoisineDarlin' - Roch Voisine - Musique de Tino Izzo - Paroles de Roch Voisine; Rosanna Ciciola et Yves Decary4originalpdf110
1887BarbaraDis! Quand reviendras-tu? - BarbaraDis! Quand reviendras-tu? - Barbara - Paroles et Musique de Barbara3originalpdf110
1933Jean-Claude BorellyDolannes Melodie - Jean-Claude BorellyDolannes Melodie - Jean-Claude Borelly - Musique de Paul de Senneville et Olivier Toussaint2originalpdf110
1934La Compagnie CréoleDonne-moi un ti bo (Ban moin en ti bo) - La Compagnie CréoleDonne-moi un ti bo (Ban moin en ti bo) - La Compagnie Créole - Arrangement et Musique Nouvelle de George Manfield Sur une chanson du Folklore Antillais - Paroles Nouvelles de Marc Provance3originalpdf110
1962Elvis PresleyDon't Be Cruel - Elvis PresleyDon't Be Cruel - Elvis Presley - Words and Music by Otis Blackwell and Elvis Presley2originalpdf110
1977The CrystalsDa Dou Ron Ron (Da Doo Ron Ron) - The CrystalsDa Dou Ron Ron (Da Doo Ron Ron) - The Crystals - Johnny Hallyday - Bette Midler - Paroles originales et Musique de Ellie Greenwich, Jeff Barry and Phil Spector - Paroles françaises de Georges Aber2originalpdf110
1978Eddy Mitchell et Les Chaussettes noiresDaniela - Eddy Mitchell et Les Chaussettes noiresDaniela - Eddy Mitchell et Les Chaussettes noires (du film "De quoi tu t'mêles Daniela") - Musique de Georges Garvarentz - Paroles de André Pascal3originalpdf110
1988Dionne Warwick - Nancy HollowayDon't Make Me Over (T'en va pas comme ça) - Dionne WarwickDon't Make Me Over (T'en va pas comme ça) - Dionne Warwick - Nancy Holloway - Musique de Burt Bacharach - Paroles françaises de Pierre Delanoë - Paroles anglaises de Hal David3originalpdf110
2013Deep PurpleDeep Purple - Live In Japan (Full Band Score)Deep Purple - Live In Japan (Full Band Score) : Highway Star - Child In Time - Smoke On The Water - The Mule - Strange Kind Of Woman - Lazy - Space Trukin'120livrepdf111
2014Diana KrallDiana Krall - The CollectionDiana Krall - The Collection : Complete piano transcriptions of seventeen classic songs, including lyrics and guitar chords : A Case Of You - A Blossom Fell - Baby Baby All The Time - Body and Soul - Devil May Care - East of the Sun (and West of the Moon) - Folks Who Live on the Hill - Garden in the Rain - If I Had You - I Get Along Without You Very Well - I Love Being Here With You - I Miss you So - Just The Way You Are - The Look of Love - Love Letters - The Night We Called It A Day - Peel me a grape105livrepdf111
2018Dream TheaterDream Theater Keyboard AnthologyDream Theater Keyboard Anthology : (Keyboard Recorded Versions). Exact transcriptions for all the keyboard parts to 15 Dream Theater songs. Titles are: Learning to Live * Metropolis Pt. 1 * Wait for Sleep * 6:00 * Scarred * Scene Two: I. Overture 1928 * Scene Three: I. Through My Words * Scene Three: II. Fatal Tragedy * Scene Four: Beyond This Life * Scene Nine: Finally Free * The Great Debate * Selections from Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence : About to Crash, War Inside My Head, The Test That Stumped Them All, Goodnight Kiss, Solitary Shell * Endless Sacrifice * Stream of Consciousness * Vacant.175livrepdf110
2032C. JérômeDerniers Baisers (Sealed with a Kiss) - C. JérômeDerniers Baisers (Sealed with a Kiss) - octobre 1962 - Nancy Holloway - C. Jérôme - Laurent Voulzy (Quand vient la fin de l'été sur la plage Il faut alors se quitter peut-être pour toujours) - Musique de Peter Udell et Gary Geld - Paroles de Pierre Saka4originalpdf110
2040Hans ZimmerDavy Jones Theme - Hans ZimmerDavy Jones Theme - Hans Zimmer - Music from Pirates Of Caribbean - At World's End - Arrangement by Jozef Swistak - Pirates of the Caribbean (en français : Pirates des Caraïbes1) est une des attractions les plus célèbres des parcs Disney. Elle a ouvert pour la première fois en 1967 à Disneyland et a été ensuite dupliquée dans la plupart des royaumes enchantés. Cette attraction a inspiré la saga cinématographique Pirates des Caraïbes réalisée par Gore Verbinski et plusieurs jeux vidéo.For Piano4relevépdf000
2041Walt Disney PicturesDisney - Mulan - I'll Make a Man Out of You Piano SoloDisney - Mulan - I'll Make a Man Out of You Piano Solo - Music by Matthew Wilder - Lyrics by David Zippel - Arranged By Kyle Landry - Transcribed By Andrew Hodgen5relevépdf000
2073Vinicio CaposselaDa Solo - Vinicio CaposselaDa Solo - Vinicio Capossela : Il Gigante e Il Mago - In Clandestinita - Parla Piano - Una Giornata Perfetta - La Facia Della Terra - Il Paradiso dei Calzini - Orfani Ora - Sante Nicola - Vetri Appannati d'America - Dall'Altra Parte Della Sera - Lettere di Soldati - Non C'è Disaccordo Nel Cielo38livrepdf111
2136Jean FerratDeux enfants au soleil - Jean FerratDeux enfants au soleil - Jean Ferrat : Musique de Jean Ferrat - Paroles de Claude Delécluse 1originalpdf110
2147Dick HymanDick Hyman's Professional Chord Changes And Substitutions For 100 TunesDick Hyman's Professional Chord Changes And Substitutions For 100 Tunes - Every Musician Should Know : Ain't she sweet - Alone together - Am I blue? - Angel eyes - Anything goes - April in Paris - April showers - As time goes by - Autumn in New York - Avalon - Begin the beguine - The birth of the blues - Blues in the night (My mamma done tol' me) - Body and soul - But not for me - Can't we be friends? - Can't we talk it over - Caravan - Charleston - Crazy Rhythm - Dancing in the dark - Day by day - Days of wine and roses - Do it again - Dream - Embraceable you - Fascinating Rhythm - Fine and dandy - Fools rush in - Get happy - Hallelujah! - How long has this been going on? - I can't give you anything but love - I cover the waterfront - I get a kick out of you - I got rhythm - I know that you know - I may be wrong - I only have eyes for you - I thought about you - If I could be with you (One hour tonight) - I want to be happy - I'll see you again - I'm forever blowing bubbles - Indian summer - It's only a paper moon - I've got a crush on you - The japanese sandman - Jeepers creepers - Just one of those things - Limehouse blues - Liza - Love for sale - Lover, come back to me! - Lullaby of birdland - Lulu's back in town - Mack the knife - The man I love - Misty - Night and day - Oh, lady be good! - Please don't talk about me when I'm gone - Poor butterfly - 'Round midnight - 'S wonderful - Satin doll - Secret love - September in the rain - Skylark - Softly, as in a morning sunrise - Somebody loves me - Someone to watch over me - Something to remember you by - Sometimes I'm happy - Soon - Strike up the band! - The summer knows (Theme from Summer of '42) - Sweet Georgia Brown - Tea for two - This love of mine - Thou swell - Three little words - Time after time - A time for love - Too marvelous for words - The very thought of you - What is this thing called love? - What's new? - When your lover has gone - With a song in my heart - You and the night and the music - You are too beautiful - You do something to me - You go to my head - You make me feel so young - You took advantage of me - You're getting to be a habit with me - You're the top - Yours is my heart alone127livrepdf110
2150Artistes DiversDivas AméricainesDivas Américaines : Big Spender (Shirley Bassey) - But Beautiful (Doris Day) - Cute (Ann-Margret) - Diamonds are a girl's best friend (Marilyn Monroe) - Diga me (Rosemary Clooney) - Don't worry 'bout me (Billie Holiday) - The end of the world (Julie London) - Fine and mellow (My man don't love me - Nina Simone) - A garden in the rain (Sarah Vaughan) - Goodnight sweetheart (Sarah Vaughan) - I ain't got nobody (And there's nobody cares for me - Rosemary Clooney) - I'm beginning to see the light (Ella Fitzgerald) - Keep smiling, keep laughing, be happy (Doris Day) - The lonesome road (Julie London) - Lovin' spree (Ann Margret) - Manana (Is good enough for me - Peggy Lee) - The music goes round and around (Ella Fitzgerald) - A nightingale can sing the blues (Peggy Lee) - Rock me to sleep (Peggy Lee) - Show me the way to get out of this world ('Cause That's where everything is - Peggy Lee) - Take me to your heart again (La vie en rose - Edith Piaf) - Time out for tears (Dinah Washington) - Wrap your troubles in dreams (And dream your troubles away - Sarah Vaughan)86livrepdf110
2155Dave BrubeckDave Brubeck - Volume 105 - In Your Own Sweet Way - Jamey Aebersold JazzDave Brubeck - Volume 105 - In Your Own Sweet Way - Jamey Aebersold Jazz - Contents : Take Five - In Your Own Sweet Way - The Duke - Travelin' Blues - Broadway Bossa Nova - Unisphere - The Basie Band Is Back In Town - All My Love - Three To Get Ready - Here Comes McBride - Waltzing - Why not 25livrepdf110

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