Toutes Les Partitions de Musique (Affichage 1301 à 1400) (Sur un Total de 2198 - Scores)    

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ID Artiste Titre des Partitions Request for sheet music<!-- in abeyance-->    Contenu des Partitions    Request for sheet music<!-- in abeyance--> Page Partition Format Paroles Accord Guitare
1301James BluntBack to Bedlam - James BluntHigh - You're Beautiful - Wisemen - Goodbye My Lover - Tears and Rain - Out of my Mind - So Long, Jimmy - Billy - Cry - No Bravery47livrepdf111
1302Joyce JonathanSur mes Gardes - Joyce JonathanL'Heure Avait Sonné - Pas Besoin De Toi - Je Ne Sais Pas - Ma Musique - Au Bar - Prends Ton Temps - Un Peu D'Espoir - Bien Trop Simple - Sur Mes Gardes (avec Tété) - Tant pis - Les Souvenirs - Le Piège65livrepdf111
1303Bob DylanBlonde on Blonde - Bob DylanRainy Day Women #12 & 35 - Pledging My Time - Visions of Johanna - One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) - I Want You - Just Like a Woman - Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat - Stuck Inside of Moblle With The - Most Likely You Go Your Way (and I'll Go Mine) - Temporary Like Achilles - Fourth TIme Around - Absolutely Sweet Marie - Obviously Five Believers - Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands52livrepdf111
1304Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneVoyager en soi-même - Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneVoyager en soi-même - Paroles et Musique : Jean-Louis Aubert - Telephone1originalpdf111
1305Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneVoilà c'est fini - Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneVoilà c'est fini - Paroles et Musique : Jean-Louis Aubert - Telephone1originalpdf111
1306Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneLes plages - Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneLes plages - Paroles et Musique : Jean-Louis Aubert - Telephone1originalpdf111
1307TéléphoneMétro c'est trop - TéléphoneMétro c'est trop - Paroles et Musique : Telephone1originalpdf111
1308Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneLe jour s'est levé - Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneLe jour s'est levé - Paroles : Jean-Louis Aubert - Musique : Telephone1originalpdf111
1309Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneNew-York avec toi - Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneNew-York avec toi - Paroles : Jean-Louis Aubert - Musique : Telephone1originalpdf111
1310Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneLes Dunes - Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneLes Dunes - Paroles : Jean-Louis Aubert - Musique : Telephone1originalpdf111
1311Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneLa Bombe Humaine - Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneLa Bombe Humaine - Paroles et Musique : Jean-Louis Aubert - Telephone1originalpdf111
1312TéléphoneCendrillon - TéléphoneCendrillon - Paroles : Louis Bertignac - Musique : Telephone1originalpdf111
1313Louis Bertignac et les VisiteursCes idées-là - Louis Bertignac et les VisiteursCes idées-là - Paroles et Musique : Louis Bertignac et les Visiteurs1originalpdf111
1314Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneTemps à nouveau - Jean-Louis Aubert - TéléphoneTemps à nouveau - Paroles et Musique : Jean-Louis Aubert - Telephone1originalpdf111
1315Leonard CohenSongs of Love and Hate - Leonard CohenAvalanche - Sing another song, boys - Famous blue raincoat - Diamonds in the mine - Last year's man - Love calls you by your name - Joan of Arc - Dress rehearsal rag59livrepdf111
1316Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghNo Me Toques - Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghIgnacio Cervantes Kawanagh : No Me Toques (Don't Touch Me) - Un Recuerdo (Reminiscence) - La Celosa (Jealous Woman) - El Velorio (The Wake) - Mensaje (The Message) - Duchas Frias (Cold Shower) - Improvisada (Improvized) - Picotazos (The Fighting Cock Attacks) - Decision (Decision) - "PST!" (The Whisper) - Tiene Que Ser (It Must Be) - Ilusiones Perdidas (Lost Illusions) - Los Tres Golpes (Three Strikes) - Siempre Si (Always "Yes") - Homenaje (Homage) - No Llores Mas (Weep No More) - Por Que, Eh? (Why, Eh?) - Invitacion (Invitation) - Lejos De Ti! (Far Away From You) - Te Quiero Tanto! (I Love You Very Much!) - La Carcajada (Laughter) - La Cortesana (Lady-in-waiting) - Adios A Cuba (Farewell To Cuba) - Amen! (Amen) - Vuelta Al Hogar (Return to the earth) - Cri-Cri (Cri-Cri) - No Bailes Mas! (Dance No More!) - La Encantadora (Charming Girl) - La Glorieta (Little Gloria) - Almendares (Almendares, Cuba)32livrepdf000
1317Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghPiano Music For The Drawing Room - Cuatro Danzones - Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghIgnacio Cervantes Kawanagh : Tiene que Ser - Almendares - Anhelos - Danza - Four Piano Numbers By Enrique Granados : Sardana - El Pelele (Goyesca) - A la Cubana - Marche militaire26livrepdf000
1318Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghPiano Music For The Drawing Room - Dos Canciones Sin Palabras - Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghIgnacio Cervantes Kawanagh - Rappelle-toi! (Remember !) - Idea Fija (A Haunting Fancy) - Sketches For The Pianoforte (Arabesque, Hyacinthe, Sérénade Russe, Sentimental Episode) By Domenico Savino12livrepdf000
1319Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghSerenata Cubana - Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghIgnacio Cervantes Kawanagh : Serenata Cubana9originalpdf000
1320Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghSix Cuban Dances for Piano - Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghIgnacio Cervantes Kawanagh : Danzas (1. Moderato con espressione 2. Con passione 3. Poco vivo con spirito 4. Con energia 5. No llores mas! (Weep no longer! Con tenerezza.) 6. Moderato melanconico - Forget-Me-Not Waltz (Music by Frank W. McKee - America's Waltz-King) - New York - G. Schirmer 8livrepdf000
1321Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghThree Dances - Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghIgnacio Cervantes Kawanagh : La Celosa (La jalouse) - El Velorio (Veillée funèbre) - La Carcajada (L'éclat de rire) - Chester Library7livrepdf000
1322Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghTres Danzones para Piano - Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghIgnacio Cervantes Kawanagh : Duchas Frias - Danza - Picotazos - Four Piano Numbers by Enrique Granados : Sardana - El Pelele (Goyesca) - A la Cubana - Marche militaire8livrepdf000
1323Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghTwo Cuban Dances - Ignacio Cervantes KawanaghIgnacio Cervantes Kawanagh : Gran Senora (Grande Dame) - Porque, eh? (Pourquoi, hein ?) - Chester Library5livrepdf000
1324MadonnaRay of Light - MadonnaRay of Light : Words and Music by Madonna Ciccone, William Orbit, Christine Leach, Clive Muldoon and Dave Curtis6originalimage111
1325Gilbert O'SullivanAlone Again (Naturally) - Gilbert O'SullivanAlone Again (Naturally) - Words an Music by Raymond O'Sullivan3originalpdf111
1326Billy PaulMe and Mrs. Johns - Billy PaulMe and Mrs. Johns - Words and Music by Kenny Gamble, Leon Huff and Cary Gilbert3originalpdf111
1327Hurricane SmithOh, Babe, What Would You Say? - Hurricane SmithHurricane Smith - Oh, Babe, What Would You Say? - Words and Music by E.S. Smith3originalpdf110
1328Vanessa CarltonA Thousand Miles - Vanessa CarltonA Thousand Miles - Words and Music by Vanessa Carlton - Arranged by Dan Coates4originalpdf111
1329Burt Bacharach - Tom JonesWhat's New Pussycat? - Burt Bacharach - Tom JonesWhat's New Pussycat? - Music by Burt Bacharach - Lyric by Hal David - From the Charles K. Feldman Production "What's New Pussycat?" - Interprété par Tom Jones.2originalpdf110
1330Dan CoatesThe Professional Pianist - Best of the 70's and 80's - Dan CoatesArranged by Dan Coates : Arthur's theme (Best that you can do) - Brian's song - Come in from the rain - Friends and Lovers (Both to each other) How do you keep the music playing? - Hymne - If - I'll still be loving you - Nothing's gonna change my love for you - One moment in time - The rose - Saving all my love for you - Stairway to heaven - Till I loved you (The love theme from Goya) - The way we were - We've got tonight - The wind beneath my wings73livrepdf000
1331Charles ChaplinThe Circus (Full and complete score) - Charles ChaplinThe Bard of Armagh - Carrickfergus - Curragh of Kildare - Do You Want Your Old Lobby Washed Down - The Flower of Sweet Strabane - The Foggy Dew - The Galway Shawl - The Hills of Kerry - The Leaving of Liverpool - The Meeting of the Waters - My Mary of the Curling Hair - The Nightingale - Nora - Peggy Gordon - Red Is the Rose - The Rose of Mooncoin - The Shores of Amerikay - The Wearing of the Green - The West’s Awake - The Wild Colonial Boy418livrepdf000
1332Frank SinatraThe Frank Sinatra AnthologyA Fine Romance - A Foggy Day - All of Me - All or Nothing at All - All the Way - Angel Eyes - April in Paris - Begin the Beguine - Bye Bye Baby - Call me Irresponsible - Come Fly with Me - Come Rain or Come Shine - Don't Blame Me - Don't Worry 'Bout Me - East of the Sun (And West of the Moon) - Everything Happens to Me - Fly me to the Moon (In other Words) - Fools Rush in - Form Here to Eternity - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - Here's That Rainy Day - I Only Have Eyes for You - I wish you love - I'll never smile again, until I smile at you - I'm beginning to see the light - I'm gettin' sentimental over you - I'm gonna live till I die - I've got you under my skin - If I had you - In the still of the night - It was a very good year - It's nice to go trav'ling - It's only a paper moon - Just in time - Let's get away from it all - Love and marriage - (Love is) the tender trap - Love walked in - Luck be a lady - My kind of town (Chicago is) - My way - New York, New York - Oh look at me now - On the sunny side of the street - One for my baby (and one more for the road) - September song - Somethin' stupid - Stormy weather - Strangers in the night - That old black magic - The lady is the tramp - The night we called it a day - Witchcraft - Yes indeed (A jive spiritual) - You go to my head - You make me feel so young - You're nobody 'til somebody loves you - Young at heart257livrepdf111
1333Paul BeuscherAccordéon Facile Vol. 3 - Paul BeuscherAccordéon Facile Vol. 3 - Paul Beuscher : Aragon et Castille - Le Bal De La Marine - Brise Napolitaine - Dis ! Quand Reviendras-tu ? - Domino - Espoirs Perdus - Greensleeves - La Complainte Des Infideles - La Java Bleue - La Maison Pres De La Fontaine - La Vie En Rose - Les Yeux Noirs - Plaisir D'amour - Riquita - When The Saints Go Marching In30livrepdf010
1334Paul BeuscherAccordéon Facile Vol. 4 - Paul BeuscherAccordéon Facile Vol. 4 - Paul Beuscher : A Quoi Ca Sert L'amour - Amazing Grace - Buenas Noches Mi Amor - Concerto D'automne - Deux Petits Chaussons (Limelight) - Fleur De Neige - Je Vous Ai Reconnue - La Cucaracha - Le Petit Jardin - Le P'tit Bal Du Samedi Soir - Les Lavandieres Du Portugal - Mes Mains - Nuits De Chine - Souvenirs, Souvenirs - Une île Au Soleil33livrepdf010
1335Paul BeuscherAccordéon Facile Vol. 5 - Paul BeuscherAccordéon Facile Vol. 5 - Paul Beuscher : Adios Sevilla - As De Copas - Balajo - Barnum-Circus - Bourrasque - Germaine - Indifference - La Java Des As - La Paloma - La Polka Des Fiances - Le Bal De L'accordeon - Les Triolets - Princesse Accordeon - Reve D'accordeoniste - Valse-Intermezzo37livrepdf010
1336Eros RamazzottiEros - Eros RamazzottiAdesso Tu - Cose Della Vita (Can't stop thinking of you) - Ancora Un Minuto di sole - Favola - L'aurora - Ma che bello questo amore - Memorie - Musica e - Occhi di speranza - Piu bella cosa - Quanto amore sei - Se bastasse una canzone - Terra promessa - Un'altra te - Una storia Importante88livrepdf111
1337Bob JamesThe Musical Styles Of Bob JamesAngela (Theme from Taxi) - Big Stone City - Blue Lick - Caribbean NIghts - Enchanted Forest - Heads - I Want to Say Thank You (Very Much) - Night Crawler - Snowbird Fantasy - Sun Runner - Touchdown - Westchester Lady - Where the Wind Blows Free - Winding River73livrepdf000
1338Dave BrubeckBlue Rondo a la Turk - Dave BrubeckPiano arrangement of Brubeck's Blue Rondo a la Turk10relevépdf010
1339Elton JohnThe Very Best of Elton JohnYour Song - Rocket Man - Honkey Cat - Crocodile Rock - Daniel - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting - Candle In the Wind - Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me - Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds - Philadelphia Freedom - Someone Saved My Life Tonight - Pinball Wizard - The Bitch Is Back - Don't Go Breaking My Heart - Bennie and the Jets - Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word - Song for Guy - Part-Time Love - Blue Eyes - I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues - I 'm Still Standing - Kiss the Bride - Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Passengers - Nikita - I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That - Sacrifice - Easier to Walk Away - You Gotta Love Someone126livrepdf111
1340Traditional GreekBook of Greek Music - TraditionalLyrics in Greek language. Mostly melody and chords only-fake book style. Some arrangements have two hand piano, some guitar tab, not all songs have lyrics. Looks good for accordion!80livrepdf010
1341Buena Vista Social ClubBuena Vista Social ClubChan Chan - De Camino A La Vereda - El Cuarto De Tula - Pueblo Nuevo - Dos Gardenias - Y Tu Que Has Hecho? - Veinte Anos - El Carretero - Candela - Amor De Loca Juventud - Orgullecida - Murmullo - Social Club Buena Vista - La Bayamesa111livrepdf111
1342Divers compositeursLe piano fait son cinéma (Vol.1) - Vincent Charrier - Béatrice QuoniamBertal-Maubon/Daniderff : Les Temps modernes (Titine) - Churchill : Blanche-Neige (Un jour mon prince viendra) - Friend & Franklin : The Merry Go Round Broke Down (Générique des Merry Melodies et Looney Tunes) - Jarre : Docteur Jivago - Lai : Love Story (Thème) - Magne : Angélique, Marquise des anges - Mancini : The Pink Panther - Norman : The James Bond Theme - Rota : Roméo et Juliette (Love Theme 'What Is a Youth?') - Steiner : Autant en emporte le vent (Thème de Tara) - Anonyme : Romance (Jeux Interdits) - Beethoven : Le Cercle des poètes disparus (Ode à la Joie 'IXe Symphonie') - Chopin : Sissi (Valse de l'Adieu Op.69 n°1) - Haendel : Barry Lindon (Sarabande 'XIe Suite') - Haendel : Farinelli (Lascia ch'io pianga 'Rinaldo') - Joplin : L'Arnaque - Mendelssohn : Les Visiteurs (Concerto pour violon1e mvt) - Mozart : Amadeus (Petite Musique de Nuit 1e mvt) - Schubert : My Left foot (thème du quintette 'La Truite') - Schumann : L'Accompagnatrice (Scènes de la Forêt 'Fleurs solitaires') - Schumann : Une Lueur dans la nuit (Rêverie 'Scènes d'enfants') - Strauss fils : 2001 Odyssée de l'espace (Le Beau Danube bleu) - Tchaïkovski : Fantasia (Valse des Fleurs 'Casse-Noisette') - Verdi : Jean de Florette (ouverture 'La Force du destin')64livrepdf000
1343Divers compositeursLe piano fait son cinéma (Vol.2) - Vincent Charrier - Béatrice QuoniamAnka : Le Jour le plus long (Marche) - Barcellini : Mon oncle - Barry : Danse avec les loups (The John Dunbar theme) - Cantor/Mencher/Tobias : Merrily - Chaplin : Une Vie de chien - Goldsmith : Basic Instinct - Horner : Titanic (Le Portrait) - Jarre : Lawrence d'Arabie - Rota : Huit et demi (La Passerella di Addio) - Schifrin : Mission impossible - Williams : Les Aventuriers de l'Arche perdue (Raiders March) - Albinoni : Quatre mariages et un enterrement (Adagio) - Beethoven : Ludwig van B. (Lettre à Elise) - Bellini : Sur la route de Madison (Norma "Casta Diva") - Berlioz : La Grande vadrouille (Marche hongroise "La Damnation de Faust") - Chopin : L'Empire du soleil (Mazurka Op.17 n°4) - Haendel : Les Liaisons dangereuses (Xerxès "Ombra mai fù") - Lully : Tous les matins du monde (Marche "pour la cérémonie des Turcs") - Mozart : Le Maître de musique (Don Juan, "Deh Vieni alla finestra") - Purcell : Barry Lindon (A New Irish Tune, "Lilliburlero") - Schubert : Barry Lindon (Trio Op.100, 2e mvt) - Schumann : L'Accompagnatrice (Scènes d'enfants, "Des Pays lointains")66livrepdf000
1344Divers compositeursLe piano fait son cinéma (Vol.3) - Vincent Charrier - Béatrice QuoniamDelerue : Ouverture (LeMépris) - Cosma : Sirba (Grand Blond avec une chaussure noire) - Horner : The Secret Wedding (Braveheart) - Preisner : Les Marionnettes (La Double Vie de Véronique) - Livingston / Evans : Whatever will be, will be «Que sera sera» (L'homme qui en savait trop) - Alford : Colonel Bogey (Le Pont de la rivière Kwaï) - Mercer / Mancini : Moon River (Diamants sur canapé) - North : Unchained Melody (Ghost) - Goldsmith : Hyper Sleep (Alien, le huitième passager) - Piovani : Buon Giorno Principessa (La Vie est belle) - Granados : Andaluza (Kika) - Boccherini : Menuet (Greystoke, la légende de Tarzan) - Rossini : La Danza «Tarentelle napolitaine» (Le Corniaud) - Offenbach : Barcarolle des Contes d'Hoffrnann (La Vie est belle) - Mozart : Adagio du Concerto pour clarinette (Out of Africa) - Grieg : Au matin de Peer Gynt (Soleil vert) - Schubert : Moment musical n°2 (Au revoir les enfants) - Schumann : Scène d'enfant n°5 «Fast zu ernst» (Shine) - Delibes : Duo des fleurs de Lakmé (Babe, le cochon devenu berger) - Beethoven : Sonata quasi una fantasia op. 27 n°2 (Misery)54livrepdf000
1345Various ArtistsLove collection for piano - Volume 1I can love you like that (All 4 One) - All out of love (Air Supply) - As long as you love me (Backstreet Boys) - How did I fall in love with you (Backstreet Boys) - How deep is your love (Bee Gees) - Thank you for loving me (Bon Jovi) - Everyday I love you (Boyzone) - I will still love you (Britney Spears) - Have ever loved a woman (Bryan Adams) - When you love someone (Bryan Adams) - What the world needs now is love (Burt Bacharach) - To love you more (Celine Dion) - I'll never love this way again (Dionne Warwick) - I will always love you (Dolly Parton) - Can you feel the love tonight (Elton John) - Can't help falling in love (Elvis Presley) - Just to hear you say that you love me (Faith Hill - Tim McGraw) - It must have been love (Per Gessle) - Love story (Francis Lai) - Love will lead you back (Taylor Dane) - When she loved me (Sarah McLachlan) - I knew I loved you (Savage Garden) - First love (Utada Hikaru) - What now my love (Gilbert Becaud) - You've got to hide your love away (Beatles)114livrepdf111
1346Dave BrubeckTime out - Jazz Classics - Dave BrubeckTime out (Dave Brubeck) Jazz Classics : Blue rondo a la turk - Everybody's jumpin' - Kathy's waltz - Pick up sticks - Strange meadow lark - Take five - Three to get ready49livrepdf010
1347Dave BrubeckDeluxe Piano Album - Dave BrubeckDave Brubeck : Bossa Nova U.S.A - Southern Scene (Briar Bush) - Three To Get Ready - Eleven Four - King For A Day - Castilian Drums - It's A Raggy Waltz - Blue Rondo A La Turk - Take Five - Cantiga Nova Swing (From Bossa Nova U.S.A.) - Summer Song (From Jazz Impressions of the U.S.A.) - Waltz Limp (From Countdown) - Strange Meadow Lark (From Time Out) - Blue Shadows In The Street (From Time Further Out) - Lamento (From Bossa Nova U.S.A.) - Home At Last (From Jazz Impressions of the U.S.A.) - Everybody's Jumpin' (From Time Out) - Points on Jazz (Piano Solo Version) : Prelude - Scherzo - Blues - Fugue - Rag - Chorale - Waltz - A la Turk161livrepdf010
1348Serge ProkofievPeter and the Wolf - Pierre et le Loup - Serge ProkofievSergueï Sergueïevitch Prokofiev - Complete orchestral score, includes narration in Russian - The complete orchestral score of Prokofiev's famous Peter and the Wolf - Full Orchestal Edition - Pierre et le Loup (Serge Prokofiev)79livrepdf000
1349Georges DelerueLes Aveux les plus doux - Georges DelerueLes Aveux les plus doux est un film franco-italien réalisé par Édouard Molinaro, sorti le 19 mai 1971. - Musique de Georges Delerue (1971)1relevépdf000
1350Claude BollingGracieuse - Claude BollingGracieuse - Musique de Claude Bolling3relevépdf000
1351Claude BollingLe Magnifique (Thème de Christine) - Claude BollingLe Magnifique (Thème de Christine) - Musique de Claude Bolling - Le Magnifique est un film français réalisé par Philippe de Broca, sorti en 1973.1relevépdf000
1352François de RoubaixBoulevard du Rhum (Linda et Cornelius) - François de RoubaixBoulevard du Rhum (Linda et Cornelius) - Musique de François de Roubaix - Boulevard du rhum est un film franco-italo-espagnol de Robert Enrico sorti en 1971.2relevépdf000
1353Stéphane GrappelliLes Valseuses - Stéphane GrappelliLes Valseuses - D'après le thème "Rolls", de Stéphane Grappelli, extrait de la BO des "Valseuses". D'après l'arrangement de Laurent Korcia - Musique de Stéphane Grappelli - Les Valseuses est un film français réalisé par Bertrand Blier en 1974. - Violon + Piano et Piano seul. - Les Valseuses (Rolls)4originalpdf010
1354Ennio MorriconeLe Clan des Siciliens - Ennio MorriconeLe Clan des Siciliens - Musique : Ennio Morricone - Le Clan des Siciliens est un film policier français réalisé par Henri Verneuil et sorti le 5 décembre 1969.3relevépdf000
1355François de RoubaixLa Scoumoune - François de RoubaixLa Scoumoune - Musique de François de Roubaix - La Scoumoune est un film franco-italien sorti le 12 décembre 1972, réalisé par José Giovanni.2relevépdf000
1356François de RoubaixLe Vieux Fusil - François de RoubaixLe Vieux Fusil - Musique de François de Roubaix - Le Vieux Fusil est un film franco-allemand de Robert Enrico, sorti en salles en 1975.1relevépdf000
1357Dave BrubeckSelections from a Dave Brubeck ChristmasAway in a Manger - Cantos Para Pedir las Posadas - "Homecoming" Jingle Bells - Joy to the World - O Tannenbaum - Silent Night - To Us Is Given - What Child Is This? (Greensleeves) - Winter Wonderland36livrepdf010
1358François de RoubaixLes Aventuriers (Laetitia) - François de RoubaixLes Aventuriers (Laetitia) - Musique de François de Roubaix - Les Aventuriers est un film français de Robert Enrico, sorti sur les écrans en 1967.1relevépdf000
1359Clément DoucetChopinata - Clément DoucetChopinata - Fantasia in fox trot rhythm on the motifs of Chopin - Dans son Chopinata, Clément Doucet donne une version jazzée de quelques œuvres de Chopin.7originalpdf000
1360Philip CatherineGood Morning Bill - Philip CatherineGood Morning Bill - Musique de Philip Catherine2relevépdf000
1361Claude BollingL'Année sainte ( La Paire Monseigneur) - Claude BollingL'Année sainte ( La Paire Monseigneur) - Musique de Claude Bolling - L'Année sainte est un film français réalisé par Jean Girault, sorti en 1976.3relevépdf000
1362George ShearingLullaby of Birdland - George ShearingLullaby of Birdland (Medium Tempo) - Music by George Shearing - Words by George David Weiss - Lullaby of Birdland est une chanson composée en 1952 par George Shearing. Les paroles sont créditées B. Y. Forster, pseudonyme de George David Weiss. Le titre est dédié à "Bird" (Charlie Parker) et au Birdland, club de jazz de New York nommé en son honneur.5originalpdf110
1363George GershwinConcerto for piano in F - George GershwinConcerto en fa - Concerto for piano in F - George Gershwin - Reduction for two pianos - Arrangement for two pianos - Transcribed for two pianos - Le Concerto en fa est une composition par George Gershwin pour piano solo et orchestre, plus proche de la forme traditionnelle du concerto que l'œuvre précédente, Rhapsody in Blue. Il a été composé en 1925 à la suite d'une demande du chef d'orchestre Walter Damrosch.65livrepdf000
136410 Rodgers & Hart FavoritesJazz Play Along Vol 11 - 10 Rodgers & Hart - FavoritesBook for Bb, Eb and C Instruments - 10 Rodgers & Hart Favorites - Arranged and Produced by Mark Taylor - Easy-To-Read, authentic Lead Sheets - Lyrics Sheet - Title : Bewitched - The Blue Room - Dancing On The Ceiling - I Could Write A Book - Have You Met Miss Jones? - The Lady Is A Tramp - Little Girl Blue - My Romance - There's A Small Hotel - You Are Too Beautiful74livrepdf110
136510 Irving Berlin ClassicsJazz Play Along Vol 14 - Irving BerlinBook for Bb, Eb and C Instruments - 10 Irving Berlin Classics - Arranged and Produced by Mark Taylor - Easy-To-Read, authentic Lead Sheets - Lyrics Sheet - Title : Be Careful, It's My Heart - Blue Skies - Change Partners - Cheek To Cheek - I've Got my Love To Keep Me Warm - Let's Face The Music And Dance - Steppin' Out With My Baby - How Deep Is The Ocean - They Say It's Wonderful - What'll I Do?80livrepdf110
136610 Duke Ellington ClassicsJazz Play Along Vol 1 - Duke EllingtonBook for Bb, Eb and C Instruments - 10 Duke Ellington Classics - Arranged and Produced by Mark Taylor - Easy-To-Read, authentic Lead Sheets - Title : Caravan - Don't Get Around Much Anymore - In A Mellow Tune - It Don't Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) - In a Sentimental Mood - Përdido - Prelude to a Kiss - Satin Doll - Sophisticated Lady - Take the "A" Train68livrepdf010
136710 Latin Jazz ClassicsJazz Play Along Vol 23 - Latin JazzBook for Bb, Eb and C Instruments - 10 Latin Jazz Classics - Arranged and Produced by Mark Taylor - Easy-To-Read, authentic Lead Sheets - Lyrics Sheet (English Only) - Title : Agua De Beber (Water To Drink) - Invitation - Chega De Saudade (No More Blues) - Watch What Happens - Sweet Happy Life (Samba De Orpheo) - The Gift! (Recado Bossa Nova) - Mas Que Nada - Manha De Carnaval (A Day In The Life Of A Fool) - So Nice (Summer Samba) - Ran Kan Kan88livrepdf110
136810 Hard Bop ClassicsJazz Play Along Vol 36 - Horace SilverBook for Bb, Eb and C Instruments - 10 Hard Bop Classics - Arranged and Produced by Mark Taylor - Easy-To-Read, authentic Lead Sheets - Title : Doodlin' - The Jody Grind - Nica's Dream - Opus De Funk - Peace - The Preacher - Senor Blues - Sister Sadie - Song for My Father - Strollin'57livrepdf010
136910 Latin Jazz FavoritesJazz Play Along Vol 40 - Bossa NovaBook for Bb, Eb and C Instruments - 10 Latin Jazz Favorites - Arranged and Produced by Mark Taylor - Easy-To-Read, authentic Lead Sheets - Title : Black Orpheus - Call Me - Dindi - Little Boat - A Man and a Woman (Un Homme Et Une Femme) - Only Trust Your Heart - The Shadow Of Your Smile - Song of the Jet (Samba Do Aviao) - Watch What Happens - Wave81livrepdf010
1370Richard ClaydermanA Romantic Christmas (Piano Solos) - Richard ClaydermanAve Maria - Christmas Concerto - Jingle Bells - Little Drummer Boy, The - O Tannenbaum Medley - Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer - Santa Clause Is Coming to Town - Silent Night --- Holy Night - Silver Bells47livrepdf010
1371Palmer HughesPopular Chord Dictionary For Piano - Palmer HughesPopular Chord Dictionary For Piano - This Chord Dictionary shows the Notation, Fingering and Keyboard Diagrams for all of the Important Chords Used in Modern Popular Music49livrepdf010
1372Georges MoustakiTop Georges MoustakiTop Georges Moustaki - Les eaux de Mars - Il est trop tard - Joseph - Ma liberté - Ma solitude - Le métèque - Les orgues de Barbarie - Sarah - Le temps de vivre - Voyage45livrepdf111
1373Charles AznavourEsperanza - Charles AznavourEsperanza - Cha-Cha-Cha - Musique de Ramon Cabrera - Paroles Françaises de Charles Aznavour - Paroles Espagnoles de Ramon Cabrera - 19613originalimage110
1374Thomas FersenLe Chat Botté - Thomas FersenLe Chat Botté - Thomas Fersen - 20032relevépdf110
1375Camille Saint-SaënsDanse Macabre - Camille Saint-SaënsCamille Saint-Saëns - Danse Macabre, Op. 40 (1874) - Piano Arrangement by Franz Liszt11originalpdf000
1376Peter GellingTeach Yourself Blues Harmonica - Peter GellingTeach Yourself Blues Harmonica - 10 Easy Lessons - Specifically designed for students who wish to play Blues Harmonica, either in a group or for fun. The emphasis is on making music immediately. Includes note bending, train whistle and rhythm sounds, vibrato and improvisation58livrepdf000
1377Klose's ConservatoryKlose's Conservatory Method for the ClarinetThis method was published in 1879, exercises from page 13 are the same you can find in modern editions of this book. You can safely skip the first pages although it may be an interesting reading and not only for philological reasons, but take note that fingering is based on Albert system, which was the most widely used in USA at the time of publishing . You can easily find a typical Boehm 17/6 fingering chart on the Internet.195livrepdf000
1378Grégory LemarchalJe deviens moi - Je suis en vie - Écris l'histoire - Grégory LemarchalJe deviens moi - Je suis en vie - Écris l'histoire (Io So Che Tu) - À corps perdu - Le feu sur les planches - Je t'écris - Mon ange (Nothing is wrong) - Promets-moi - Le bonheur tout simplement - Il n'y a qu'un pas - Restons amis - Une vie moins ordinaire - De temps en temps - Le lien - Même si (What you're made of)75livrepdf111
1379Leila FletcherThe Leila Fletcher Piano Course - Book TwoThe Leila Fletcher Piano Course - Book Two - The Study of Music should be a delightful experience. Almost every child comes to his first music lesson with happy anticipation.63livrepdf000
1380Selected and edited by Denes AgayThe Joy of Ragtime - Selected and edited by Denes AgayCakewalk Parade - The Entertainer - The Bos'n Rag - Ragtime Song Fest - Black and White Rag - Cotton Bolls - Mandy's Broadway Stroll - Classical Rag-Kyrene - Joplin Gallery - Peaches and Cream - The St. Louis Rag - Calico Rag - The Sycamore - Kansas City Rag - The Chrysanthemum - Bohemia - Maple Leaf Rag - Pleasant Moments - Ragtime Nightingale - Frog Legs Rag81livrepdf110
1381Various ArtistsZarzuela - Romanzas para soprano con acompañamiento de pianoZarzuela - Romanzas para soprano con acompañamiento de piano - Canciòn del ruiseñor (Vives) - Zapateado (Giménez) - Sierras de Granada (Giménez) - Lagrimas mìas (Marqués) - Me llaman la primorosa (Giménez y Nieto) - De España vengo (Luna) - La petenera (Moreno Torroba) - De que me sirve (Barbieri) - Pensar en èl (Arrieta) - Esta es su carta (Caballero) - Mi tìo se figura (Chapì) - Noche hermosa (Sorozàbal)96livrepdf100
1382Ray CharlesThe Piano Transcriptions - Ray CharlesDrown in my own tears - Georgia on my mind - Hallelujah I love her so - Hard times (No one knows better than I) - I believe to my soul - I can't stop loving you - Let's go get stoned - Lonely avenue - Shake a tail feather - A song for you - Sticks and stones - Take these chains from my heart - Unchain my heart - What'd I say94livrepdf111
1383Nat King ColeL-O-V-E - Nat King ColeL-O-V-E - Words and Music by Bert Kaempfert and Milt Gabler2simplifiéepdf110
1384Hans Günter HeumannThe House of the Rising Sun - Hans Günter HeumannThe House of the Rising Sun - Traditioneel - Heumann1simplifiéepdf010
1385VengaboysBoom Boom Boom - VengaboysBoom Boom Boom - Vengaboys - Arr. by Rvloef - Piano2relevépdf000
1386Lionel RichieHello - Lionel RichieHello (Lionel Richie) - Arr. Nicholas Hare - Keyboard (Piano Conductor)2originalpdf000
1387Fredericks Goldman JonesRouge - Fredericks Goldman JonesFredericks Goldman Jones : Frères - Serre-Moi - Des Vôtres - Juste Après - Il Part - Que Disent Les Chansons Du Monde - Rouge - Des Vies - Elle Avait 17 Ans - On n'a Pas Changé - Ne Lui Dis Pas - Fermer Les Yeux83livrepdf110
1388Véronique SansonSongbook - 20 Titres - Véronique SansonVéronique Sanson : 20 Titres : Besoin de personne - Chanson sur ma drôle de vie - Comme je l'imagine - Mariavah - Alia soûza - Véronique - On m'attend là-bas - Vancouver - Etrange comédie - Bernard song - Y'a pas de doute il faut que je m'en aille - Harmonies - Féminin - Les délices d'Hollywood - J'ai perdu ton adresse - Les délires d'Hollywood - L'amour est différent - How many lies - Fais-moi une simple mélodie - Ma révérence70livrepdf110
1389Alan Parson ProjectEye in the Sky - Alan Parson ProjectAlan Parson Project : Sirius - Eye in the sky - Children of the moon - Gemini - Silence and I - You're gonna get your fingers burned - Psychobabble - Mammagamma (instrumental) - Step by step - Old and wise54livrepdf111
1390Alan Parson ProjectAmmonia Avenue - Alan Parson ProjectAlan Parson Project : Prime time - Let me go home - One good reason - Since the last goodbye - Don't answer me - Dancing on a highwire - You don't believe - Pipeline - Ammonia avenue42livrepdf111
1391Alan Parson ProjectEve - Alan Parson ProjectAlan Parson Project "Eve" : Lucifer - You lie down with dogs - I'd rather be a man - You won't be there - Winding me up - Damned if I do - Don't hold back - Secret garden - If I could change your mind48livrepdf111
1392Francis LalanneOn se retrouvera - Francis LalanneOn se retrouvera - Paroles de Francis Lalanne - Musique de Jean-Félix Lalanne4originalpdf100
1393Il était une foisJ'ai encore rêvé d'elle - Il était une foisJ'ai encore rêvé d'elle - Paroles de Serge Koolenn - Musique de Richard Dewitte - Il était une fois est un groupe de musique français, formé en 1972 à Paris par Joëlle Mogensen, Serge Koolenn, Richard Dewitte, Lionel Gaillardin, Bruno Walker et Christian Burguière (ces derniers remplacés par Jean-Louis Dronne et Daniel Schnitzer). Très populaire, le groupe se sépara en 1979 avant que la chanteuse Joëlle Mogensen ne s'éteigne tragiquement en 1982.3originalpdf110
1394Various Artists100 Pianos Solos - Première Partie100 Pianos Solos - Première Partie : Complete piano songs of one hundred popular standards of today. all with guitar chord symbols. arranged by Frank Booth - (They Long To Be) Close To You - A Blues Serenade - A Man And A Woman - A Whiter Shade Of Pale - African Waltz - Amazing Grace - Angel Eyes - Ballade Pour Adeline - Black Coffee - Blues At Dawn - Bluesette - By The Time I Get To Phoenix - Can't Help Falling In Love - Can't Smile Without You - Caravan - Danny Boy (Londonderry Air) - Don't Blame Me - Don't Cry For Me Argentina218livrepdf010
1395Various Artists100 Pianos Solos - Deuxième Partie100 Pianos Solos - Deuxième Partie : East Of The Sun - Everything Is Beautiful - Fever - Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words) - Fools Rush In - For The Good Times - From Both Sides Now - Hey Jude - I Don't Know How To Love Him - I Left My Heart In San Francisco - I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart - I Say A Little Prayer For You I Surrender Dear - I Waited For You I Will Wait For You - I Write The Songs - If You Leave Me Now - I'll Never Fall In Love Again - I'll Remember April - I'm Beginning To See The Light - In A Sentimental Mood218livrepdf010
1396Various Artists100 Pianos Solos - Troisième Partie100 Pianos Solos - Troisième Partie : In Walked Bud - It's Impossible - J D's Jump - Just The Two Of Us - Just The Way You Are - Killing Me Softly With His Song - Love Is Blue (L'amour Est Bleu) - Love Me With All Your Heart - Lover Man (Oh Where Can You Be) - Manteca - Maybe This Time - Mean To Me - Memories Of You - Michelle - Midnight Sun - Mood Indigo - Moonglow - More Than You Know - Music Box Dancer - Once In A Lifetime - One Note Samba - Perdido - Sailing [Downs, Colin] - Satin Doll - Slightly Out Of Tune (Desifinado) - Smile218livrepdf010
1397Various Artists100 Pianos Solos - Quatrième Partie100 Pianos Solos - Quatrième Partie : Solitude - Sometimes When We Touch - Sophisticated Lady - Spanish Eyes - Stardust - Stars Fell On Alabama - Stormy Weather - Streets Of London - Strutting With Some Barbeque - Sunny - Sunrise Sunset - Take Five - Take The 'A' Train - Thank You For The Music - The Entertainer (The Sting) [Joplin, Scott] - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face - The Girl From Ipanema - The Night We Called It A Day - These Foolish Things - This Guys In Love With You - This Masquerade - Too Young218livrepdf010
1398Various Artists100 Pianos SolosTry A Little Tenderness - Tuxedo Junction - Undecided - Unforgettable - Until It's Time For You To Go - Wave - What The World Needs Now - Where Is The Love - Without You - Yesterday - Yesterday When I Was Young - You Light Up My Life - Your Song218livrepdf010
1399Cole PorterFifty Million Frenchmen - Cole PorterFifty Million Frenchmen - Piano - Conductor's Score - Music and Lyrics by Cole Porter - Book by Herbert Fields - Adapted by Evans Haile and Tommy Krasker166livrepdf100
1400Georgia Stitt - Marcy HeislerAlphabet City Cycle - Georgia Stitt - Marcy HeislerAlphabet City Song Cycle - Music by Georgia Stitt - Text by Marcy Heisler - Piano Conductor Score - The wanting of you (The Student on Avenue B) - Almost everything I need (The Divorcée on Avenue C) - I hardly remember (The Widow on Avenue D) - Blanket in July (The Jilted Actress in Tompkins Square Parks) - Sunday Light (The Lover on Avenue A) - (Soprano - Violin - Piano) - With Violin Part62livrepdf100

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