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1401Richard Rodgers and Lorenz HartAmerica's Sweetheart - Richard Rodgers and Lorenz HartAmerica's Sweetheart - Original 1931 Version of the Piano Vocal Score which premiered on Broadway at the Broadhurst Theatre on February 10, 1931 and closed on June 6, 1931 after 135 performances. Rare - Limited Trade! - Music by Richard Rodgers - Lyrics by Lorenz Hart - Book by Herbert Fields, Rodgers and Hart - Vocal Score reconstructed by James Stenborg137livrepdf100
1402Mark Schoenfeld and Barri McPhersonBrooklyn : The Musical - Mark Schoenfeld and Barri McPhersonBrooklyn the Musical is a musical with a book, lyrics, and music by Mark Schoenfeld and Barri McPherson. - Arr. by John McDaniel - Piano Vocal Score161livrepdf110
1403Charles Strouse - Lee AdamsBye Bye Birdie - Charles Strouse - Lee AdamsBye Bye Birdie - Piano Vocal Score with Lyrics (Printed) Music by: Charles Strouse - Lyrics by: Lee Adams - Orchestration by Robert Ginzler170livrepdf100
1404Eduardo Di CapuaO Sole Mio - Eduardo Di Capua' O Sole Mio ! - Primo Premio al Concorso de la Tavola Rotonda - Piedigrotta 1898 - Musica di Eduardo Di Capua - Versi di Giovanni Capurro - Piano Canto4originalpdf100
1405Alan Menken - David SpencerWeird Romance - Alan Menken - David SpencerWeird Romance - Keyboard / Conductor Score - Music by Alan Menken - Lyrics by David Spencer - Handwritten - Two One-Act Musicals of Speculative Fiction230livrepdf100
1406GenesisGenesis AnthologyGenesis Anthology - Abacab - Afterglow - Anything She Does - Behind the Lines - Blood on the Rooftops - Cinema Show - Dance on a Volcano - Domino Part I: In the glow of the night - Domino Part II: The last domino - Dreaming While You Sleep - Driving the Last Spike - Duchess - Fading Lights - Firth of Fifth - Follow You, Follow Me - Heathaze - Hold On My Heart - Home By the Sea - I Can't Dance - I Know What I like (In your wardrobe) - Illegal Alien - In the Cage - In Too Deep - Invisible Touch - Jesus he knows me - Keep it dark - The lamb lies down on Broadway - Land of confusion - Living forever - Mad man moon - Mama - Man on the corner - Many too many - Me and Sarah Jane - Misunderstanding - The musical box - Never a time - No reply at all - No son of mine - One for the vine - Paperlate - Robbery, Assault and Battery - Second home by the sea - Since I lost you - Squonk - Taking it All too hard - Tell me why - That's all - Throwing it all away - Tonight, Tonight, Tonight - Turn it on again - Way of the world - Wot Gorilla? - Your own special way - (rare not very good scan but very readable)356livrepdf111
1407Claude FrançoisGrands Interprètes - Claude FrançoisClaude François (Collection Grands Interprètes) - Alexandrie Alexandra - Belles, belles, belles - C’est comme ça que l’on s’est aimé - C’est la même chanson - Celui qui reste - Cette année-là - Chanson populaire - Comme d’habitude - Donna donna - Dors petit homme - J’y pense et puis j’oublie - Jacques a dit - Je vais à Rio - La ferme du bonheur - Le chanteur malheureux - Le jouet extraordinaire - Le lundi au soleil - Le mal aimé - Le téléphone pleure - Les anges, les roses et la pluie - Les choses de la maison - Magnolias for ever - Mais quand le matin - Marche tout droit - Même si tu revenais - Mon coeur est une maison vide - Monsieur Crapaud - Pauvre petite fille riche - Petite mèche de cheveux - Quand un bateau passe - Quelquefois - Si j’avais un marteau - Si tu veux être heureux - Toi et moi contre le monde entier - Tout éclate, tout explose - Un peu d’amour, beaucoup de haine - Y’a le printemps qui chante (viens à la maison)112livrepdf110
1408Antonín Leopold Dvorak (1841 - 1904)Concerto pour piano in G Minor - Op.33 - 2 Pianos - Antonín Leopold Dvorak (1841 - 1904)Le Concerto pour piano et orchestre en sol mineur, op. 33, d’Antonín Leopold Dvorak a été composé en août et septembre 1876 et créé en 1878. Il a été remanié de nombreuses fois, mais est couramment donné dans sa version originale. Il est peu joué. - Il est en 3 mouvements : 1. Allegro agitato - 2. Andante sostenuto - 3. Allegro con fuoco - Concerto pour piano in G Minor - Op.33 - 2 Pianos169livrepdf000
1409Frank SinatraAlbum Frank Sinatra "Duets 2"Frank Sinatra (Album Frank Sinatra "Duets 2") For once in my life - Come fly with me - Bewitched - The best is yet to come - Moonlight in Vermont - Fly me to the moon - Luck be a lady - A foggy day - Where or when - Embraceable you - Mack the knife - How do you keep the music playing ? - My funny Valentine - My kind of town - The house I live in96livrepdf110
1410Mikis Theodorakis20 chansons pour piano - Mikis TheodorakisMikis Theodorakis - 20 chansons pour piano108livrepdf010
1411Marc Lavoine12 Chansons - Marc LavoineMarc Lavoine (12 Chansons) - Je compte jusqu’à dix - Larme blanche - Même si - Le monde est tellement con - On ira jamais à Venise - Paris - Le parking des anges - Passent les nuages - Pour une biguine avec toi - Qu'est-ce que t'es belle - Si tu veux le savoir - Tu me suffiras - (Scan : Coté droit légèrement mordu sur les pages impaires.)55livrepdf110
1412Philip GlassTen Études for Piano - Philip GlassPhilip Glass - Ten Études for Piano61livrepdf000
1413Philip GlassThe Hours - Philip GlassPhilip Glass (The Hours) - The Poet Acts - Morning Passages - Something She Has To Do - I'm Going To Make A Cake - Un Unwelcome Friend - Dead Things - Why Does Someone Have To Die ? - Tearing Herself Away - Escape ! - Choosing Life - The Hours - Music from the motion picture arranged for piano solo62livrepdf000
1414Ferruccio BusoniPrélude et Etude (en arpèges) - Ferruccio BusoniFerruccio Busoni - Prélude et Etude (en arpèges) - Piano13originalpdf000
1415Bob DylanRock Score - Bob Dylan6 superb Bob Dylan songs scored for small groups. Complete with lyrics. Includes: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight - If Not For You - Just Lke A Woman - Knockin' On Heaven's Door - Lay, Lady, Lay - Quinn The Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn) - Full band arrangements (Vocals, guitars, bass, drums, keyboards etc). Please note that this is not a perfect scan.81livrepdf111
1416John LennonImagine - John LennonImagine - Words and Music by John Lennon - Piano Vocal4originalpdf111
1417Carl Czerny Selected Pianoforte Studies - Carl Czerny Carl Czerny - 50 small studies for the upper elementary grade. 32 studies for the lower middle grade. Arranged by Heinrich Germer - Collection Schuberth - Edited by H.W.Nicholl106livrepdf000
1418Anton DiabelliPièces Mélodiques Op. 149 - Anton DiabelliAnton Diabelli - Pièces Mélodiques Op. 149 pour piano à quatre mains sur cinq notes - Nouvelle édition revue et doigtée par Armand Ferté - Paris, Choudens, éditeur48livrepdf000
1419Esbjörn Svensson TrioE.S.T Songbook - Volume 1 - Esbjörn Svensson TrioEighty-Eight Days In My Veins - Eighthundred Streets By Feet - Behind The Yashmak - Believe, Beleft, Below - When God Created The Coffeebreak - Dodge The Dodo - Dolores In a Shoestand - Elevation Of Love - From Gagarin's Point Of View - Goldwrap - Mingle In The Mincing-Machine - Pavane-Thoughts Of a Septuagenarian - Seven Days Of Falling - Spam-boo-limbo - The Goldhearted Miner - The Rube Thing - The Unstable Table & The Infamous Fable - Tide Of Trepidation - Tuesday Wonderland - Viaticum67livrepdf010
1420George BensonThe Best of George BensonBefore You Go - Breezin' - Feel Like Makin' Love - Give Me The Night - In Your Eyes - Lady - Lady Love Me (One More Time) - Love Ballad - On Broadway - So This Is Love - This Masquerade - Turn Your Love Around - Welcome Into My World - We've Got The Love - (George Benson plays lbanez guitars exclusively.) - Edited by Randy Waldman and Ron King48livrepdf111
1421George L.Cobb, Scott Joplin, Louis Chauvin...The Best of Ragtime Favorites and How to Play Them - George L.Cobb, Scott Joplin, Louis Chauvin...The Best of Ragtime Favorites and How to Play Them - George L.Cobb - Scott Joplin - Louis Chauvin - Robert Hampton - Scott Hayden - Will Held - W. H. Krell - Joseph L. Lamb - Paul Pratt - James Scott - Billy Taylor And Arrangements by Joe "Fingers" Carr - Intermediate Piano Solos - Including : Scott Joplin's School of Ragtime 6 Exercises for Piano - Including Maple Leaf Rag172livrepdf110
1422Robert Lopez and Jeff MarxAvenue Q - Robert Lopez and Jeff MarxAvenue Q - Music and Lyrics by Robert Lopez and Jeff Marx - Orchestrated by Stephen Oremus - Piano Conductor Score212livrepdf100
1423William FinnThe 25th Annual Putnam County - Spelling Bee - William FinnThe 25th Annual Putnam County - Spelling Bee - Music and Lyrics by William Finn - Book by Rachel Sheinkin - Conceived by Rebecca Feldman - Additional Material by Jay Reiss - Based on C-R-E-P-U-S-C-U-L-E, an original play by THE FARM - Music Preparation by Emily Grisham / Katherine Edmonds - Piano-Vocal Score - Piano/Conductor - Orchestrated by Michael Starobin220livrepdf100
1424Fermo Dante MarchettiFascination - Fermo Dante MarchettiFermo Dante Marchetti - Fascination - Piano Arr. by Fabrizio Caligaris5relevépdf000
1425Hugh Martin and Ralph BlaneMeet Me in St. Louis (Piano Conductor score) - Hugh Martin and Ralph BlaneMeet Me in St. Louis - "The Boy Next Door" is a 1944 popular song by Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane. It was first introduced in the musical film Meet Me in St. Louis, where it was performed by Judy Garland. It has subsequently become a popular standard, performed by many artists.Meet Me in St. Louis is a 1944 musical film from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer which tells the story of an American family living in St. Louis at the time of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition World's Fair in 1904.198livrepdf100
1426Heitor Villa-Lobos, Robert Wright and George ForrestMagdalena : A Musical Adventure - Heitor Villa-Lobos, Robert Wright and George ForrestMagdalena : A Musical Adventure (Six Featured Songs) - Music by Heitor Villa-Lobos - Lyrics by Robert Wright and George Forrest - My bus and I - The emerald song - Bon Soir Paris - Food for thought - Magdalena - The singing tree22livrepdf100
1427Jacques Brel - Eric Blau - Mort ShumanJacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in ParisJacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris (« Jacques Brel est sain et sauf et vit à Paris ») is an American musical revue of the songs of Jacques Brel. It was filmed in 1975. - Music by Jacques Brel - Production Conception, English Lyrics , Additional Material by Eric Blau and Mort Shuman - Complete band score, no vocal parts - handwritten - piano, guitar, bass and drums - Conductor's score229livrepdf010
1428Various Artists (Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation)This Is The Ultimate Broadway Fakebook (Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation)This Is The Ultimate Broadway Fakebook - It contains over 600 songs from over 190 shows - For piano, electronic keyboards, guitar and all "C" instruments522livrepdf110
1429Maurice JarreSomewhere My Love - Maurice JarreSomewhere, My Love - Words by Paul Francis Webster - Music by Maurice Jarre (Lara's Theme from the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Motion Picture Doctor Zhivago)4originalpdf110
1430Erroll GarnerMisty - Erroll GarnerMisty - Music by Erroll Garner - Piano arrangement by Fabrizio Caligaris4relevépdf000
1431Eric ClaptonTears in Heaven - Eric ClaptonTears in Heaven - Words and Music by Eric Clapton and Will Jennings5originalpdf111
1432Richard MarxRight Here Waiting- Richard MarxRight Here Waiting - Words and Music by Richard Marx4originalpdf111
1433Glenn MedeirosNothing's gonna change my love for you - Glenn MedeirosNothing's gonna change my love for you - Words and Music by Michael Masser and Gerry Goffin4originalpdf111
1434Jan HammerCrockett's Theme - Jan HammerCrockett's Theme - Words and Music by Jan Hammer3relevépdf010
1435Michel BergerMichel Berger: Les Plus Belles ChansonsMichel Berger: Les Plus Belles Chansons - A Moitié, À Demi, Pas Du Tout - Attends-Moi - Ça Balance Pas Mal À Paris - Celui Qui Chante - Chanson pour une fan - Chanter Pour Ceux Qui Sont Loin De Chez Eux - Diego libre dans sa tête - Ecoute La Musique - La Déclaration D’Amour - La Groupie Du Pianiste - Mademoiselle Chang - Laissez Passer Les Rêves - Le Paradis Blanc - Les Princes Des Villes - Maria Carmencita, Sourde et Muette - Mon Fils Rira Du Rock’N’Roll - Mon Piano Danse - Peut-Être Toi, Peut-Être Moi - Pour Me Comprendre - Quelques Mots D’Amour - Seras-Tu Là ? - Splendide Hasard - Superficiel Et Léger - Voyou - Y’A Pas De Honte - Y’A Vraiment Que L’Amour Qui Vaille La Peine103livrepdf111
1436Claude BollingLes Brigades du Tigre - Claude BollingThème de la série télévisée "Les Brigades du Tigre" - Musique de Claude Bolling2originalimage010
1437Louis PrimaBuona Sera Signorina - Louis PrimaBuona Sera Signorina - Testo e Musica di Carl Sigman, Peter De Rose7originalimage111
1438Aram Ilitch KhatchatourianSonata for Piano (1961) - Aram Ilitch KhatchatourianAram Ilyich Khachaturian - Sonata for Piano (1961) - To the memory of my teacher Nikolai Miaskowski - Edited by Luise Vosgerchian - 1. Allegro vivace - 2. Andante tranquillo - 3. Allegro assai45originalpdf000
1439Olivier MessiaenPetites esquisses d'oiseaux - Olivier MessiaenPetites esquisses d'oiseaux (pour Piano) - Olivier Messiaen - 1. Le rouge gorge - 2. Le merle noir - 3. Le rouge gorge - 4. La grive musicienne - 5. Le rouge gorge - 6. L'alouette des champs41livrepdf000
1440Olivier MessiaenVingt Regards sur l'Enfant-Jésus - Olivier MessiaenVingt Regards sur l'Enfant-Jésus (pour Piano) - Olivier Messiaen - Regard du Père - Regard de l'étoile - L'échange - Regard de la Vierge - Regard du Fils sur le Fils - Par Lui tout été fait - Regard de la Croix - Regard des hauteurs - Regard du temps - Regard de l'Esprit de joie - Première communion de la Vierge - La parole toute-puissante - Noël - Regard des Anges - Le baiser de l'Enfant-Jésus - Regard des prophètes, des bergers et des Mages - Regard du silence - Regard de l'Onction terrible - Je dors, mais mon cœur veille - Regard de l'Eglise d'amour182livrepdf000
1441Isaac Albeniz (1860-1909)Preludio (Chants d'Espagne Op. 232) - Isaac Albeniz (1860-1909)Preludio (Chants d'Espagne Op. 232) - Isaac Albeniz (1860-1909) - Asturias (Leyenda) N° 5 de la Suite Espagnole pour piano Op. 47 - Édition de Pierre Gouin4originalpdf000
1442Isaac Albeniz (1860-1909)Iberia - Isaac Albeniz (1860-1909)Isaac Albeniz - Iberia : Evocación - El puerto - Fête-dieu à Seville (El Corpus en Sevilla) - Rondeña - Almería - Triana - El Albaicín - El Polo - Lavapiés - Málaga - Jerez - Eritaña - Iberia is a suite for piano composed between 1905 and 1909 by the Spanish composer Isaac Albéniz. It comprises four books of three pieces each. A complete performance lasts about an hour and a half.161livrepdf000
1443Eric ClaptonLayla (Piano Coda) - Eric ClaptonLayla (Piano Coda) is a song written by Eric Clapton and Jim Gordon, originally released by their blues rock band Derek and the Dominos, as the thirteenth track from their album Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs (December 1970).6originalpdf000
1444Eric ClaptonLayla - Eric ClaptonLayla is a song written by Eric Clapton and Jim Gordon, originally released by their blues rock band Derek and the Dominos, as the thirteenth track from their album Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs (December 1970). Arr. By Ernst Traag5relevépdf000
1445Mungo JerryIn the Summertime - Mungo Jerry"In the Summertime" is a song recorded in 1970 by the British pop-blues band Mungo Jerry. Written by the group's leader Ray Dorset, this song, which celebrates the carefree days of summer, reached the Number 1 position on charts around the world (including seven weeks in the UK), Number 1 for 2 weeks in Canada, and Number 3 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in the US.5originalpdf111
1446OasisChampagne Supernova - Oasis"Champagne Supernova" is a song by English rock band Oasis, written by guitarist Noel Gallagher.8originalpdf111
1447'N Sync (sometimes stylized as *NSYNC)This I Promise You - 'N Sync (sometimes stylized as *NSYNC)"This I Promise You" is a ballad by 'N Sync, released as the third single in America and the fourth single in Europe from their second studio album, No Strings Attached, in 2000. The song was composed by pop singer Richard Marx, who would later record the song twice, first for the Japanese release of his album, Days in Avalon similar to the 'N Sync version, and again as a rock song for the European version of his Stories To Tell album.5originalpdf111
1448Laura PausiniAnche Se Non Mi Vuoi - Laura PausiniAnche Se Non Mi Vuoi - Testo di Alfredo Rapetti (Cheope), Giuseppe Dati, Laura Pausini - Musica di Federica Fratoni, Antonio Galbiati4originalpdf111
1449Arisa MizukiKaze mo Sora mo, Kitto - Arisa MizukiKaze mo Sora mo, Kitto is the eleventh single by Japanese recording artist Arisa Mizuki. It was released on April 20, 1996 as the second single from Mizuki's third compilation album Fiore II. The title track was written by Chika Ueda and served as ending theme for the final season of the TV Asahi anime Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Sailor Stars.3relevépdf000
1450Richard RodgersThe Sound of Music - Richard RodgersThe Sound of Music (1959) is a musical with music by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II and a book by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse. It is based on the memoir of Maria von Trapp, The Story of the Trapp Family Singers. Many songs from the musical have become standards, including the title song "The Sound of Music", "Edelweiss", "My Favorite Things", "Climb Ev'ry Mountain" and "Do-Re-Mi".5originalpdf110
1451Vanessa WilliamsColors Of The Wind - Vanessa Williams"Colors of the Wind" by composer Alan Menken and lyricist Stephen Schwartz, was the 1995 Oscar-winner for Best Original Song from the Disney animated feature film, Pocahontas.2originalpdf110
1452Linda LewisI'd Be Surprisingly Good For You - Linda LewisI'd Be Surprisingly Good For You - Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber - Lyrics by Tim Rice - Music From The Motion Picture "Evita" - Evita traces the life of Eva Duarte (later Eva Duarte de Perón) (Madonna) from a child from the lower class to becoming the first lady and spiritual leader of Argentina.3originalpdf111
1453Bill Evans - George Shearing - Art Tatum - Teddy Wilson...The World's Best Piano ArrangementsThe World's Best Piano Arrangements - 100 Golden Standards Arranged By The Greatest Pianists Of The Century ! - Bill Evans - George Shearing - Art Tatum - Teddy Wilson - Matt Dennis - Dave Brubeck - "Fats" Waller - Duke Ellington - Earl "Fatha" Hines - Hazel Scott - Eddie Heywood - Ed Shanaphy - Mary Lou Williams And Others !275livrepdf010
1454YirumaAutumn Leaves - YirumaAutumn Leaves - Yiruma - Piano Solo5originalpdf000
1455Leonard BernsteinWest Side Story - Leonard BernsteinWest Side Story - Music by Leonard Bernstein - Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim - America - Cool - I Feel Pretty - Maria - One Hand, One Heart - Something's Coming - Somewhere - Tonight - Based On An Idea By Jerome Robbins - Book By Arthur Laurents - Entire Production Directed And Choreographed By Jerome Robbins35livrepdf111
1456Johann Strauss IIDie Fledermaus (en français, La Chauve-Souris) - Johann Strauss IIDie Fledermaus (en français, La Chauve-Souris) est une célèbre opérette viennoise de Johann Strauss II, écrite en 1874. Elle fut créée au Theater an der Wien de Vienne le 5 avril 1874.For Piano Solo168relevépdf100
1457Céline DionMy Heart Will Go On - Céline DionMy Heart Will Go On (Love Theme from "Titanic") - Music by James Horner - Words by Will Jennings10originalpdf111
1458Lara FabianJe t'aime - Lara FabianJe t'aime - Lara Fabian - Arranged by Mercuzio4relevépdf000
1459Josh GrobanCaruso - Josh GrobanCaruso - Josh Groban - Words and Music by Lucio Dalla7originalpdf111
1460Various ArtistsThe Collection Of Country MusicAmazed - Back at one - A bad goodbye - Because you love me - Breathe - Can't fight the moonlight - Chicks dig it - Concrete angel - Cowboy take me away - Don't rock the jukebox - Don't take the girl - Eagle when she flies - Fancy - From this moment on - Go Rest High on That Mountain - God Bless The U.S.A. - Good morning beautiful - Holes in the floor of Heaven - How do I live - I could not ask for more - I cross my heart - I do (Cherish you) - I hope you dance - I like it, I love it - I melt - I saw the light - I swear - I will always love you - I'll be - I'll still love you more - I'm already there - I'm gonna Getcha Good! - I'm in a hurry (And I don't know why) - I'm movin' on - If there hadn't been you - If you ever have forever in mind - It's five O'Clock somewhere - Just to hear you say that you love me - The keeper of the stars - Let me let go - Let's make love - Life goes on - The little girl - (God must have spent) A little more time on you - Lovesick blues - My kind of woman/My kind of man - No time to kill - Oklaoma - One more day - Only love - Pocket of a clown - Rockin' years - Something in red - Something that we do - That was a river - There you are - There's your trouble - This kiss - This woman and this man - Two sparrows in a hurricane - Two teardrops - Unbreakable Heart - What about now - When I said I do - When you lie next to me - When you say nothing at all - Years from here - You're still the one - Your love amazes me304livrepdf111
1461Stephen StillsManassasi - Stephen StillsManassasi - Words and Music by Stephen Stills : Anyway - Bluesman - Both of us - Colorado - Cuban Bluegrass - Don't look at my shadow - The fallen eagle - Hide it so deep - How far - It doesn't matter - Jesus gave love away for free - Jet set (Sigh) - Johnny's garden - The love gangster - Right now - Rock and roll crazies - So begins the task - Song of love - The treasure - We move around - What to do - PVG with cover and pictures - (VERY RARE)86livrepdf111
1462Laura NyroThe First Songs... - Laura NyroThe First Songs... - Words and Music by Laura Nyro : And when I die - Beads of sweat - Been on a train - Billy's blues - Blackpatch - Blowin' away - Brown earth - Buy and sell - California shoeshine boys - Captain for dark mornings - Captain Saint Lucifer - Christmas in my soul - The confession - December's boudoir - Eli's comin' - Emmie - Flim-Flam man (Hands off the man) - Gibsom street - Goodbye Joe - He's a runner - I never meant to hurt you - Lazy Suzan - Lonely woman - Lu - Luckie - The man who sends me home - Map to the treasure - Mercy on Broadway - New York Tendaberry - Once it was alright now (Farmer Joe) - Poverty train - Save the country - Stoned soul picnic - Stoney end - Sweet blindness - Sweet lovin' baby - Time and love - Timer - Tom cat goodbye - upstairs by a chinese lamp - Wedding bell blues - When I was a freeport and you were the main drag - Woman's blues - You don't love me when I cry182livrepdf111
1463Bob DylanPat Garrett and Billy the Kid (Filmsoundtrack) - Bob DylanPat Garrett and Billy the Kid is a soundtrack album released by Bob Dylan in 1973 for the Sam Peckinpah film of the same name. Dylan himself appeared in the film as the character "Alias". Consisting of primarily instrumental music and inspired by the movie itself, the soundtrack included "Knockin' On Heaven's Door", which became a trans-Atlantic Top 20 hit. (Main title theme - Cantina Theme - Billy - Bunkhouse theme - River Theme - Turkey chase - Knockin' on Heaven's door - Final theme)33livrepdf010
1464BerlinTake My Breath Away - BerlinTake My Breath Away est une chanson du film Top Gun composée par Giorgio Moroder et Tom Whitlock, interprétée par le groupe Berlin. Elle apparaît également sur leur album Count Three and Pray (1986).2originalpdf110
1465John Kander - Fred EbbTheme From New York, New York - John Kander - Fred EbbTheme From New York, New York - From the United Artists Motion Picture "New York, New York" - Music by John Kander - Words by Fred Ebb. - New York, New York est un film musical américain réalisé par Martin Scorsese, sorti en 1977.5originalpdf111
1466Des'reeKissing You - Des'reeKissing You (ou I'm Kissing You) est une chanson de l'artiste britannique Des'ree. Écrite en collaboration avec Timothy Atack, la chanson apparaît sur la bande originale du film Roméo + Juliette, réalisé par Baz Luhrmann en 1996.4originalpdf111
1467Traditional Irish / Hugh Mc Dermott - Ian MacLeishAllan's Irish Pianist - Part II - Traditional Irish / Hugh Mc Dermott - Ian MacLeishAllan's Irish Pianist (Piano Part of the Irish Fiddler) Part II - Containing Reels, Jigs, Hornpipes and Set Dances - Selected from all sources by Hugh McDermott and arranged for piano and Piano-Accordeon by Ian Macleish - The Irish Pianist Book 252livrepdf010
1468Tom WaitsAnthology - Tom WaitsAnthology - Tom Waits : A Sight For Sore Eyes - Annie's Back Town - Blue Valentines - Broken Bicycles - Burma Shave - Christmas Card From A Hooker In Minneapolis - Foreign Affair - Ghost Of Saturday Night (After hours at Napoleone's pizza house) - Heartattack And Vine - I Never Talk To Strangers - I Wish I Was In New Orleans (In the ninth ward) - Invitation To The Blues - Jersey Girl - Kentucky Avenue - Martha - New Coat Of Paint - Ol' 55 - Old Boyfriends - On The Nickel - Red Shoes By The Drugstore - Ruby's Arms - San Diego Serenade - Semi Suite - Shiver me timbers - Take me home - (Looking for) The heart of saturday night - This one's from the heart - 'Til the money runs out - Tom Traubert's blues (Four sheets to the wind in Copenhagen)133livrepdf111
1469Cole PorterThe Very Best of Cole Porter - Vol. 1. 2. 3.All Of You - Allez-vous-en, Go Away - Another Op'nin', Another Show - Anything Goes - At Long Last Love - Be A Clown - Begin The Beguine - Blow, Gabriel, Blow - Brush Up Your Shakespeare - C'est Magnifique - Don't Fence Me In - Easy To Love - Friendship - From This Moment On - Get Out Of Town - I Concentrate On You - I Get A Kick Out Of You - I Love Paris - I Love You - I've Got You Under My Skin - In The Still Of The Night - It's All Right With Me - It's De-lovely - Just One Of Those Things - Let's Do It (Let's Fall In Love) - Love For Sale - My Heart Belongs To Daddy - Night And Day - Too Darn Hot - True Love - Well, Did You Evah? - Wunderbar - You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To - You're The Top - Rosalie - You Do Something To Me - So In Love - What Is This Thing Called Love?166livrepdf110
1470Mariah CareyLove Takes Time - Mariah CareyLove Takes Time - Words and Music by Mariah Carey and Ben Margulies4originalpdf110
1471Claude DebussySuite : Pour le Piano - Claude DebussyClaude Debussy - Suite : Pour le Piano - 1. Prélude - 2. Sarabande à Mme E. Rouart (née Y. Lerolle) - 3. Toccata à N. G. Goronio27originalpdf000
1472Manuel de FallaPièces Espagnoles (1908) - Manuel de FallaManuel de Falla - Pièces Espagnoles (1908) - 1. Aragonesa - 2. Cubana - 3. Montañesa (Paysage) - 4. Andaluza24originalpdf000
1473Marvin HamlishHamlish SongbookFallin' - I still believe in love - They're playing my song - Two boys - What I did for love - One - Better than ever - The last time I felt like this - The entertainer (If they only could see me now) - If you remember me - Nobody does it better - Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows - Theme from ice castles (Through the eyes of love) - The way we were56livrepdf111
1474Astor PiazzollaSonate N° 1 Op. 7 (1945) - Astor PiazzollaSonate N° 1 Op. 7 (1945) - Astor Piazzolla - 1. Presto - 2. (Coral con Variaciones) Lento - 3. Rondo17originalpdf000
1475Various ArtistsThe TV Fake BookThe TV Fake Book - Includes over 165 songs arranged for piano, vocal, guitar, electronic keyboard and all "C" instruments96livrepdf110
1476Kelly ClarksonA Moment Like This - Kelly ClarksonA Moment Like This - Words and Music by John Reid and Jorgen Kjell Elofsson8originalpdf111
1477UsherU Remind Me - UsherU Remind Me - Words and Music by Eddie Hustle and Usher4originalpdf111
1478Andrew Lloyd Webber - Tim RiceJoseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Andrew Lloyd Webber - Tim Rice9 Books : Bass Guitar - Drums - Guitar - Horn - Keyboard 1 - Keyboard 2 - Percussion - Reed 1 - Reed 2 - Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical with lyrics by Tim Rice. The story is based on the "coat of many colors" story of Joseph from the Bible's Book of Genesis. This was the first Lloyd Webber and Rice musical to be performed publicly. (Their first musical, The Likes of Us, written in 1965, was not performed until 2005.)738livrepdf000
1479Gene de Paul - Johnny Mercer7 Brides for 7 Brothers - Gene de Paul - Johnny MercerSeven Brides for Seven Brothers is a 1954 musical film directed by Stanley Donen, with music by Saul Chaplin and Gene de Paul, and lyrics by Johnny Mercer. - Book by Lawrence Kasha and David Landay - New Songs by Al Kasha and Joel Hirschhorn - Based on the MGM Film and "The Sobbin' Women by Stephen Vincent Benet - Piano Conductor Score - Handwritten copy292livrepdf110
1480Edward KlebanA Class Act - Edward KlebanA Class Act - Music and Lyrics by Edward Kleban - Book by Linda Kline and Lonny Price - Piano Conductor Score302livrepdf100
1481Jeff BowenSecondary Characters - Jeff BowenSecondary Characters - Music and Lyrics by Jeff Bowen - From [title of show]7originalpdf100
1482Victoria WoodThe Ballad of Barry and Freda (Let's Do It) - Victoria WoodThe Ballad of Barry and Freda (Let's Do It) - Victoria Wood CBE (born 19 May 1953) is an English comedienne, actress, singer-songwriter, screenwriter and director. Piano Vocal10relevépdf100
1483Jeff BowenA Way Back to Then - Jeff BowenA Way Back to Then - Music and Lyrics by Jeff Bowen - From [title of show]6originalpdf100
1484Mariah CareyAnytime you need a friend - Mariah CareyAnytime you need a friend - Words and Music by Mariah Carey and Walter Afanasieff4originalpdf111
1485Jeff BowenPart of it All - Jeff BowenPart of it All - Music and Lyrics by Jeff Bowen - From [title of show]10originalpdf100
1486Aram Ilyich KhachaturianSonatina per pianoforte Op. 93 (1959) - Aram Ilyich KhachaturianSonatina per pianoforte Op. 93 (1959) By Aram Ilyich Khachaturian21originalpdf000
1487Aram Ilyich KhachaturianToccata in Eb minor for piano - Aram Ilyich KhachaturianToccata in Eb minor for piano Opus 24 (1932) - Aram Ilyich Khachaturian - Revised by Andrew Owen12originalpdf000
1488Various ArtistsThe Big Book Of SoulWalkin' The Dog - See Saw - Get Up (I Feel Like Being) A Sex Machine - Cold Sweat, Pt. 1 - Please Accept My Love - Take Me To The River - I'm Still In Love With You - Tell It Like It Is - I've Been Loving You Too Long - Mr. Pitiful - Respect Yourself - Let's Get It On - Pick Up The Pieces - I'll Take You There - Stand By Me - The Happy Song - Pain In My Heart - Hold On I'm Comin' - If You're Ready (Come Go With Me) - Respect - I'll Play The Blues For You - It's Gonna Work Out Fine - Send Me Some Lovin' - Do The Funky Chicken - Do Your Thing - I'll Be Your Shelter (In Time Of Storm) - Son Of Shaft - Soul Finger - Soul Limbo - Time Is Tight - Tired Of Being Alone - Wrap It Up - You Don't Know Like I Know - Born Under A Bad Sign - Chains Of Love - Green Onions - Groovin' - Hallelujah I Love Him (Her) So - I Can't Get Next To You - I Can't Stop Loving You - I Got You (I Feel Good) - I Heard It Through The Grapevine - I Thank You - I Wish - My Girl - What'd I Say - I'll Come Running Back To You - If Loving You Is Wrong I Don't Want To Be Right - In The Midnight Hour - Kiss And Say Goodbye - Knock On Wood - Land Of A Thousand Dances - Lonely Teardrops - Little Red Rooster - Mustang Sally - (You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman - One Mint Julep - Papa's Got A Brand New Bag - A Rainy Night In Georgia - 634-5789 - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay - Soul Man - Soul Man - The Tears Of A Clown - Theme From Shaft - The Thrill Is Gone - Touch A Hand, Make A Friend - Where Did Our Love Go - Hard To Handle - (Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher And Higher - Gee Whiz287livrepdf111
1489500 Piano Intros for the Great StandardsThe Steinway Library of Piano Music - 500 Piano Intros for the Great Standards500 Piano Intros for the Great Standards - The Steinway Library of Piano Music - Piano intros by David Berger, Dan Fox, Dick Hyman, Preston Keys, Andy La Verne, Noreen Lienhard, Johny Morris, Tom Nelson, Riccardo Scivales, Alan Simon, Lou Stein. - Contents : Introduction - B-Ballad - M-Medium Tempo - U-Up Tempo - L-Latin - W-Waltz - B-Blues - C-Country - E-Ellington - Song Suggestions Index182livrepdf010
1490Big Bad Voodoo DaddyThis Beautiful Life - Big Bad Voodoo DaddyBig and Bad - I wanna be like you - Who's that creepin' ? - When it comes to love - I'm not sleepin' - Some Things - What's next ? - Big time operator - Still in love with you - 2000 Volts - Sleep Tight - Ol' MacDonald130livrepdf111
1491Madeleine PeyrouxCareless Love - Madeleine PeyrouxDance Me To The End Of Love - Don't Wait Too Long - You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go - Don't Cry Baby - Between The Bars - No More - Lonesome Road - J'ai Deux Amours - Weary Blues - Careless Love - This Is Heaven To Me - I'll Look Around50livrepdf111
1492Alfred's Basic Piano LibraryScales, Chords, Arpeggios & Cadences - Alfred's Basic Piano LibraryThe Complete Book Of Scales, Chords, Arpeggios & Cadences - Includes all the Major, Minor (Natural, Harmonic, Melodic) & Chromatic Scales - plus additionnal instructions on music fundamentals92livrepdf000
1493Basia TrzetrzelewskaTime and Tide - Basia TrzetrzelewskaPromises - Run for Cover - Time and Tide - Freeze Thaw - From now on - New day for you - Prime Time TV - Astrud - Miles Away - How Dare You39livrepdf110
1494Peter FischerPeter Fischer Blues Guitar RulesAn in-depth look at the practical and theoretical concepts of traditional and modern blues guitar, covering all the important technical, rhythm and improvisational ideas. The book is divided into three stages: easy blues, blues & blues rock styles, and jazz blues. Stage 1 describes the development and basis of blues guitar, and is particularly appropriate for beginners. Stage 2 goes off more in the rock direction and gives the reader an insight into the concepts and licks of several influential guitarists including Clapton, Hendrix, Robben Ford, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Gary Moore, and others. Stage 3 features a number of concepts that come from jazz that can also be used in a blues context. A great number of examples and blues jam tracks appear on the accompanying CD. In notation and tablature. (In German)169livrepdf010
1495Dan GreenblattThe Blues Scales Essential Tools For Jazz Improvisation - Dan GreenblattThe Blues Scales Essential Tools For Jazz Improvisation For All Instruments by NY saxophonist Dan Greenblatt (C Version) - The accompanying CD of Dan with his working New York rhythm section demonstrates how each exercise should sound, as well as giving the student an hour of swinging play-along accompaniment to practice with. Also features many transcribed phrases of blues scale playing by the masters of jazz.84livrepdf010
1496Wolfgang Amadeus MozartPiano Scores Unlimited - Wolfgang Amadeus MozartAh ! vous-dirai-je, Maman Thème et Variations KV 265 (Niveau Moyen) - Allegretto en Fa Majeur (Facile) - Allegretto en Fa Majeur KV 15a (Facile) - Allegro en Si b Makeur KV 3 (Facile) - Andante en sol mineur KV 15r (Facile) - Andantino en Do Majeur KV 15b (Facile) - Chanson de l'oiseleur : Transcrit pour piano - Air de 'La Flûte Enchantée' (Moyen) - Contredanse en La Majeur KV 15l (Facile) - Contredanse en Sol Majeur KV 15e (Facile) - Fantaisie en do mineur KV 475 (Moyen) - Fantaisie en ré mineur KV 397 (Moyen) - La Tartine de Beurre Valse à 1 Doigt (Facile) - Ländler N° 6 en Si b Majeur (Facile) - Marche Turque Alla Turca (Extraite de la Sonate en La Majeur KV 331) (Moyen) - Menuet en Do Majeur KV 6 (Facile) - Menuet en Fa Majeur KV 2 (Très Facile) - Menuet en Fa Majeur KV 4 (Facile) - Menuet en Fa Majeur KV 5 (Facile) - Menuet en La b Majeur KV 15ff (Facile) - Menuet en Ré Majeur KV 7 (Facile) - Menuet en Si b Majeur KV 15pp (Facile) - Menuet en Sol Majeur KV 15c (Très Facile) - Petite Sonate en Do Majeur (Moyen) - Rondeau en Fa Majeur KV 15hh (Moyen) - Sonate Facile N° 16 en Do Majeur KV 545 (Moyen) - Sonate N° 1 en Do Majeur KV 279 (Moyen) - Sonate N° 2 en Fa Majeur KV 280 (Moyen) - Sonate N° 3 en Si b Majeur KV 281 (Moyen) - Sonate N° 4 en Mi b Majeur KV 282 (Moyen) - Sonate N° 7 en Do Majeur KV 309 (Moyen) - Sonate N° 9 en la mineur KV 310 (Moyen) - Sonate N° 10 en Do Majeur KV 330 (Moyen) - Sonate N° 11 en La Majeur KV 331 ( Inclus 'Marche Turque') (Difficile) - Sonate N° 12 en Fa Majeur KV 332 (Moyen) - Symphonie N° 40 Transcrite pour piano (1er Mouvement) (Moyen) - Valse Favorite en Sol Majeur (Facile) - Valse Lente pour piano (Facile) - Voi Che Sapete Simplifiée (Air des 'Noces de Figaro') (Moyen) - Voi Che Sapete Transcrit pour piano (Air des 'Noces de Figaro') (Moyen)306livrepdf000
1497Billie HolidayAin't Nobody's Business or 'Tain't Nobody's Biz-ness if I Do - Billie HolidayAin't Nobody's Business or 'Tain't Nobody's Biz-ness if I Do - Words and Music by Porter Grainger and Everett Robbins - Billie Holiday6originalpdf111
1498Billy MurrayI'll see you in C-U-B-A (1920) - Billy MurrayI'll see you in C-U-B-A by Irving Berlin Published 19204originalpdf100
1499Kenny GLove Ballade - Kenny GLove Ballade From Kenny G Soprano Saxophone - A Year Go - Don’t Make Me Wait for Love - Esther - Even if My Heart Would Break - Forever in Love - Going home - Home - Miracles - Morning - Sade - Sentimental - Silhouette - Silver Bells - Sister Rose - Songbird - The Joy of Life - The Wedding Song - Uncle Al88livrepdf010
1500Oliver Wallace - Ned WashingtonWhen I See an Elephant Fly - Oliver Wallace - Ned WashingtonWhen I See an Elephant Fly (From Walt Disney's "Dumbo") - Words by Ned Washington - Music by Oliver Wallace3originalpdf110

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