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427Stevie WonderI believe (When I fall in love it will be forever) - Stevie WonderI believe (When I fall in love it will be forever) - Words and Music by Stevie Wonder and Yvonne Wright3originalpdf111
428Stevie WonderI can see clearly now - Stevie WonderI can see clearly now - Words and Music by Johnny Nash3originalpdf110
1764Ray CharlesI can't stop loving you - Ray CharlesI can't stop loving you - Ray Charles - Paroles et Musique de Don Gibson2originalpdf110
429PrinceI could never take the place of your man - PrinceI could never take the place of your man - Composed by Prince5originalpdf111
430Red GarlandI could write a book - Red GarlandI could write a book - Red Garland Solo - Piano3relevépdf010
431Boomtown RatsI Don't Like Mondays - Boomtown Rats"I Don't Like Mondays" is a song by the Boomtown Rats that was a UK number one single for four weeks during the summer of 1979. Written by Bob Geldof and performed by The Boomtown Rats, it was the band's second number one single.9originalpdf111
1208Claude-Michel SchonbergI Dreamed a Dream - Claude-Michel SchonbergI Dreamed a Dream - Music by Claude-Michel Schonberg - Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer - Original Text by Alain Boubil and Jean-Marc Natel - From "Les Misérables" de Victor Hugo5originalimage111
432PrinceI feel for you - PrinceI feel for you - Composed by Prince4originalpdf111
433Ludovico EinaudiI Giorni - Ludovico EinaudiPiano Sheet Music for I Giorni by Ludovico Einaudi6originalpdf000
1964Elvis PresleyI Got Stung ! - Elvis PresleyI Got Stung ! - Elvis Presley - Words and Music by Aaron Schroeder and David Hill3originalpdf110
1574Lara FabianI guess I loved you (Lara Fabian)I guess I loved you (Lara Fabian) - Arranged by Mercuzio4relevépdf000
434Stevie WonderI just called to say I love you - Stevie WonderI just called to say I love you - Words and Music by Stevie Wonder5originalpdf111
435Idina MenzelI Stand (Acoustic) - Idina MenzelI Stand (Acoustic) - Transcribed by Kelly Thomas - Idina Menzel/Glen Ballard - Solo Vocals - Piano10originalpdf110
436Idina MenzelI Stand (book) - Idina MenzelIncludes songs: I Stand - Better to Have Loved - Brave - Gorgeous - Where Do I Begin ? - Don't Let Me Down - I Feel Everything - Forever - Own Worst Enemy - Perfume and Promises - Let Me Fall - God Give Me Strength130livrepdf110
437ForeignerI Want to Know What Love Is - ForeignerI Want to Know What Love Is est un slow rock de 1984 enregistré par le groupe de rock anglo-américain Foreigner. La chanson s'est classée 1ère dans les classements britannique et américain, et est le titre du groupe qui a connu le plus grand succès. Écrite par Mick Jones, chantée par Lou Gramm et produite par Jones et Alex Sadkin, cette chanson est le deuxième 45 tours sorti de l'album Agent Provocateur (1984).4originalpdf110
438QueenI was born to love you - QueenI was born to love you - Words and Music by Freddie Mercury6originalpdf111
1863James Henry FillmoreI Will Sing Of The Mercies Of The Lord - James Henry FillmoreI Will Sing Of The Mercies Of The Lord - James Henry Fillmore2originalpdf110
439Barry ManilowI Write the Songs - Barry ManilowI Write the Songs" is a popular song written by Bruce Johnston in 1975 and made famous by Barry Manilow."3originalpdf111
440Brenda LeeI'am sorry - Brenda LeeI'am sorry - Words and Music by Ronnie Self and Dub Allbritten3originalpdf110
1452Linda LewisI'd Be Surprisingly Good For You - Linda LewisI'd Be Surprisingly Good For You - Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber - Lyrics by Tim Rice - Music From The Motion Picture "Evita" - Evita traces the life of Eva Duarte (later Eva Duarte de Perón) (Madonna) from a child from the lower class to becoming the first lady and spiritual leader of Argentina.3originalpdf111
1766Nicole CroisilleI'll never leave you (La nuit m'attire) - Nicole CroisilleI'll never leave you (La nuit m'attire) - Nicole Croisille - Musique de Jacques Arel - Paroles françaises de André Salvet - Paroles anglaises de Tuesday Jackson2originalpdf110
1498Billy MurrayI'll see you in C-U-B-A (1920) - Billy MurrayI'll see you in C-U-B-A by Irving Berlin Published 19204originalpdf100
441Next to NormalI'm Alive - Next to NormalI'm Alive - Lyrics by Brian Yorkey - Music by Tom Kitt12originalpdf110
449Sam Evans and Mike GuglielmucciI'm for ever yours - Sam Evans and Mike GuglielmucciI'm for ever yours (Words by Sam Evans, Music by Sam Evans and Mike Guglielmucci)8originalpdf110
442Sylvie VartanI'm watching you (Je ne vois que toi) - Sylvie VartanJe ne vois que toi (I'm watching) Every little move you make - Paroles françaises de Frank Gérald - Musique et Paroles originales de Paul Anka3originalpdf110
443Robbie WilliamsI've Been Expecting You - Robbie WilliamsStrong - No Regrets - Millennium - Phoenix From The Flames - Win Some Lose Some - Grace - Jesus In A Camper Van - Heaven From Here - Karma Killer - She's The One - Man Machine - These Dreams - Stand Your Ground - Stalkers Day Off70livrepdf111
1442Isaac Albeniz (1860-1909)Iberia - Isaac Albeniz (1860-1909)Isaac Albeniz - Iberia : Evocación - El puerto - Fête-dieu à Seville (El Corpus en Sevilla) - Rondeña - Almería - Triana - El Albaicín - El Polo - Lavapiés - Málaga - Jerez - Eritaña - Iberia is a suite for piano composed between 1905 and 1909 by the Spanish composer Isaac Albéniz. It comprises four books of three pieces each. A complete performance lasts about an hour and a half.161livrepdf000
444Vincenzo BelliniIdol mio (most beloved aria) - Vincenzo BelliniIdol mio (most beloved aria) - Vincenzo Bellini - Piano / Vocal7originalpdf100
1291Ella FitzgeraldIf You Can't Sing It (Mister Paganini) - Ella FitzgeraldIf You Can't Sing It (You'll Have To Swing It) from the Paramount Picture "Rhythm On The Rance" - Words and Music by Sam Coslow - Mister Paganini please play my rhapsody1originalimage110
1936Marie LaforêtIl a neigé sur Yesterday - Marie LaforêtIl a neigé sur Yesterday - Marie Laforêt - Musique de Jean-Claude Petit et Tony Rallo - Paroles de Michel Jourdan2originalpdf110
445Il DivoIl Divo (Book)Unbreak my heart (Regresa A Mi) - Mama - Nella Fantasia - Passera - Everytime I Look At You - Ti Amero - Dentro Un Altro Si - The Man You Love - Feelings - Hoy Que Ya No Estas Aqui - Sei Parte Ormai Di Me - My Way (A Mi Manera) - Unchained Melody (Senza Catene)98livrepdf111
1891Jacques DutroncIl est cinq heures, Paris s'éveille - Jacques DutroncIl est cinq heures, Paris s'éveille - Jacques Dutronc - Musique de Jacques Dutronc - Paroles de Jacques Lanzmann et Anne Segalen2originalpdf110
1765NicolettaIl est mort le soleil - NicolettaIl est mort le soleil - Nicoletta - Musique de Hubert Giraud - Paroles de Pierre Delanoë3originalpdf110
1734Il était une foisIl était une fois - Songbook - 12 chansonsIl était une fois - Songbook - 12 chansons - J'ai encore rêvé d'elle - Les filles du mercredi - Rien qu'un ciel - Que fais-tu ce soir après dîner - Quand tu partiras - C'était l'année dernière - Viens faire un tour sous la pluie - Les larmes aux yeux - Pour tous ceux qui s'aiment - La grille - Pomme - Il a juste beoin d'un bâteau - Musique de Richard Dewitte - Eric Demarsan - Christian Burguière - Paroles de Serge Kooleen35livrepdf110
446Ennio MorriconeIl était une fois dans l'Ouest - Ennio MorriconeIl était une fois dans l'Ouest est un film de Sergio Leone sorti en 1968. Ce film est considéré comme l'un des chefs-d'œuvre du genre western spaghetti - Musique d'Ennio Morricone - Titre original : C'era una volta il West - Titre anglais : Once Upon a Time in the West3originalimage010
447Francis CabrelIl faudra leur dire - Francis CabrelIl faudra leur dire - Paroles et Musique de Francis Cabrel - Arrangement : Thierry Masson5originalpdf100
1892Didier BarbelivienIl faut laisser le temps au temps - Didier BarbelivienIl faut laisser le temps au temps - Didier Barbelivien - Musique de Félix Gray - Paroles de Didier Barbelivien3originalpdf110
1573Lara FabianIl ne manquait que toi (Lara Fabian)Il ne manquait que toi (Lara Fabian) - Arranged by Mercuzio4relevépdf000
2134RenaudIl pleut - RenaudIl pleut - Renaud : Paroles et musique de Renaud Séchan3originalpdf100
448Luis BacalovIl Postino (The Postman) - Luis BacalovIl Postino (The Postman) - Music by Luis Bacalov (from Il Postino - Le Facteur)4originalpdf000
450Claude DebussyImages, Book 1 - Claude DebussyReflets dans l'Eau - Hommage à Rameau - Mouvement23livrepdf000
451Claude DebussyImages, Book 2 - Claude DebussyCloches a travers les feuilles - Et la lune descend sur la temple qui fut - Poissons d'or25livrepdf000
1416John LennonImagine - John LennonImagine - Words and Music by John Lennon - Piano Vocal4originalpdf111
452Herbie HancockImmortal Jazz Series - Herbie HancockDriftin' - And What If I Don't - Triangle - One Finger Snap - Dolphin Dance - The Eye of the Hurricane - The Sorcerer - Riot - Speak Like a Child - I Have a Dream - Fat Albert Rotunda - Chameleon - Hang Up Your Hang Ups153livrepdf010
1508Zez ConfreyImpromptu (1923) - Zez ConfreyImpromptu (1923) Three Little Oddities - Zez Confrey - Transcribed by Al Levy 11/16/935originalpdf000
453John MeheganImprovising Jazz Piano - John MeheganImprovising Jazz Piano - A brilliant and instructive treatise on jazz piano improvisation, by one of the most distinguished writers on jazz technique. Deals with all aspects, including a survey of piano styles from 1900 to the present day.101livrepdf000
1742Delta GoodremIn My Own Time - Delta GoodremIn My Own Time - Delta Goodrem - Words and Music by Delta Goodrem - Delta Lea Goodrem, née le 9 novembre 1984 à Sydney en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, est une chanteuse australienne, auteure-compositeur-interprète, pianiste et actrice.6originalimage111
454Edvard GriegIn the hall of the mountain king - Edvard GriegIn the hall of the mountain king - In Der Halle Des Bergkönigs (From "Peer Gynt" Suite 1) - Op.46, N°4 - Edited by A. Pero 4originalpdf000
1445Mungo JerryIn the Summertime - Mungo Jerry"In the Summertime" is a song recorded in 1970 by the British pop-blues band Mungo Jerry. Written by the group's leader Ray Dorset, this song, which celebrates the carefree days of summer, reached the Number 1 position on charts around the world (including seven weeks in the UK), Number 1 for 2 weeks in Canada, and Number 3 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart in the US.5originalpdf111
2126IndochineIndochine - 20 chansonsIndochine - 20 chansons - (Merci de demander ces partitions séparément - Thank you for asking these scores separately) : Canary Bay - Des Fleurs pour Salinger - Drugstar - Echo-Ruby - J'ai Demandé à la Lune (Paroles et Musique de Mickaël Furnon) - Je n'embrasse pas - Kissing My Song - La Main Sur Vous - L'Aventurier - Les Silences de Juliette - Les Tzars - Mire Live - Monte Cristo - Punishment Park - Révolution - Satelitte - Tes Yeux Noirs - Trois Nuits par Semaine - Troisième Sexe - Unisexe - Paroles et Musique : Nicolas Sirchis (Nicola Sirkis), Alexandre Azaria, Dominique Nicolas et Stéphane Sirchis (Stéphane Sirkis)105livrepdf110
455Johannes BrahmsIntermezzo, A Minor Op. 116, N° 2 - Johannes BrahmsIntermezzo, A Minor Op. 116, N° 2 - Piano3originalpdf000
1232George ShearingInterpretations For Piano - George Shearing - Part 1Interpretations For Piano - George Shearing - Part 1 : An Affair To Remember - All I Do Is Dream Of You - All Too Soon - April Love - Blue Moon - Cabin In The Sky - A Certain Smile - Coquette - Ebb Tide - For All We Know - Friendly Persuasion - How About You - How Am I To Know? - I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good - I'm In The Mood For Love - If I Give My Heart To You - Invitation - Just You, Just Me - Laura - Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing - Lullaby Of Birdland - Moonlight Serenade - Nobody Does It Better - On Green Dolphin Street - Once In A While97livrepdf000
1233George ShearingInterpretations For Piano - George Shearing - Part 2Interpretations For Piano - George Shearing - Part 2 : Over The Rainbow - The Second Time Around - The Shadow Of Your Smile - Should I - Spring Is Here - Street Of Dreams - Sunday - Sweet And Lovely - Taking A Chance On Love - Temptation - Tender Is The Night - That Old Feeling - Three Coins In The Fountain - What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life?97livrepdf000
456Sylvie VartanIrrésistiblement - Sylvie VartanIrrésistiblement - Paroles de Georges Aber - Musique de Jean Renard3originalpdf110
1121Irving BerlinIrving Berlin AnthologyAfter You Get What You Want You Don't Want It - Alexander's Ragtime Band - All Alone - All By Myself - Always - Anything You Can Do - Blue Skies - Change Partners - Cheek to Cheek - Count Your Blessings - A Couple of Swells - Doin' What Comes Natur'lly - Easter Parade - Everybody Step - Everybody's Doin' It Now - The Girl That I Marry - Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor - God Bless America - Happy Holiday - Harlem On My Mind - Heat Wave - How About Me? - How Deep is the Ocean (How High Is The Sky) - I Got The Sun In The Morning - I Left My Arm At The Stage Door Canteen - I Love A Piano - I'm Putting All My Eggs In One Basket - I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm - Isn't This A Lovely Day (To Be Caught In The Rain?) - It's A Lovely Day Today - It's A Lovely Day Tomorrow - Lady Of The Evening - Let Me Sing And I'm Happy - Let Yourself Go - Let's Face The Music And Dance - Let's Have Another Cup O' Coffee - Let's Talk An Old-Fashioned Walk - Marie - My Defenses Are Down - Oh! How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning - The Piccolino - Play A Simple Melody - A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody - Puttin' On The Ritz - Say It Isn't So - Say It With Music - Shaking The Blues Away - Slumming On Park Avenue - Soft Lights And Sweet Music - The Song Is Ended (But The Melody Lingers On) - Steppin' Out With My Baby - Supper Time - There's No Business Like Show Business - They Say It's Wonderful - This Is A Great Country - This Year's Kisses - Top Hat, White Tie And Tails - What'll I Do? - When The Midnight Choo Choo Leaves For Alabam' - White Christmas - (I Wonder Why?) You're Just In Love 137livrepdf110
457Jacques BrelIsabelle - Jacques BrelIsabelle - Paroles de Jacques Brel - Musique de Jacques Brel et François Rauber - Piano4originalpdf000
1825Isabelle BoulayIsabelle Boulay - De retour à la sourceIsabelle Boulay - De retour à la source : Entre Matane et Baton Rouge - Un monde à refaire - Adrienne - Simplement tout - De retour à la source - Lui - Aller simple - Comme un jour sans amour - Tant que l'amour existera - Only woman's heart - Si j'étais perdue - Mon village du bout du monde67livrepdf111
1826Isabelle BoulayIsabelle Boulay - Etats d'amour (Extraits)Isabelle Boulay - Etats d'amour (Extraits) : Je t'oublierai, je t'oublierai - Le banc des délaissés - J'ai mal à l'amour - État d'amour - L'amour dans l'âme - Hymne à la beauté du monde29livrepdf111
458Stevie WonderIsn't she lovely - Stevie WonderIsn't she lovely - Words and Music By Stevie Wonder2originalpdf111
459RoxetteIt Must Have Been Love - RoxetteIt Must Have Been Love" is a power ballad written by Per Gessle and performed by the Swedish pop duo Roxette. - Words and Music by Per Gessle"4originalpdf111
460QueenIt's a beautiful day - QueenIt's a beautiful day - Words and Music by Queen2originalpdf111
1701Various ArtistsIt's Easy To Play BalladsIt's Easy To Play Ballads : That Ole Devil Called Love - As Time Goes By - Let Me Try Again - Love Is Blue (L'Amour Est Bleu) - Morning Of My Life (In The Morning) - This Guy's In Love With You - Try A Little Tenderness - Fool (If You Think lt's Over) - I'll Never Smile Again (Until I Smile At You) - Against AIl Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Sometimes When We Touch - Nights In White Satin - Annie's Song - The Power Of Love - Separate Lives - Feelings (Dime)46livrepdf110
1702The Bee GeesIt's Easy To Play Bee GeesIt's Easy To Play Bee Gees : How Can You Mend A Broken Heart • How Deep Is Your Love • I've Got To Get A Message To You • Love So Right • Massachusetts • More Than A Woman • Morning Of My Life (In The Morning) • New York Mining Disaster • Night Fever • Run To Me • To Love Somebody • Words • World - Arranged by Frank Booth48livrepdf110
1706ColdplayIt's Easy To Play ColdplayIt's Easy To Play Coldplay : Amsterdam - Clocks - Don't Panic - Everything's Not Lost - Green Eyes - In My Place - A Rush Of Blood to The Head - The Scientist - Sparks - Trouble - Warning Sign - Yellow60livrepdf110
1707Duran DuranIt's Easy To Play Duran DuranIt's Easy To Play Duran Duran : A View To A Kill • Hungry Like The Wolf • Is There Something I Should Know • My Own Way • New Moon On Monday • Planet Earth • Rio • Save A Prayer • The Chauffeur • The Reflex • The Seventh Stranger • The Wild Boys • Union Of The Snake48livrepdf110
1149Elvis PresleyIt's easy to play ElvisArranged by Cyril Watters - Love me Tender - Way Down - Old Shep - Can't Help Falling in Love With You - Return to Sender - I Got Stung - His Latest Flame - I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone - Mystery Train - Good Luck Charm - Wooden Heart - That's all right - Teddy Bear - King Creole - Loving You - My Baby Left me - All Shook Up - In The Ghetto45livrepdf110
1704Gilbert & SullivanIt's Easy To Play Gilbert & SullivanIt's Easy To Play Gilbert & Sullivan : Gavotte • He Is An Englishman • I Have A Song To Sing • Let's Give Three Cheers • Little Buttercup • Nothing Venture, Nothing Win • Prithee, Pretty Maiden • Sing "Hey To You, Good-Day To You" • Strange Adventure • Take A Pair Of Sparkling Eyes • The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring • The Sun Whose Rays • There Grew A Little Flower • Three Little Maids From School • Tit-Willow • When A Merry Maiden Marries - When A Wooer Goes A-Wooing - When Britain Really Ruled The Waves52livrepdf110
1710Various ArtistsIt's Easy To Play Pops 2It's Easy To Play Pops 2 : A Rockin' Good Way • Alone Again (Naturally) • Ballade Pour Adeline • Bridge Over Troubled Water • Fame • Fernando • Goodbye Yellow Brick Road • Imagine • Just The Two Of Us • Love Me Tender • Lucille • Music Box Dancer • Sunny • Uptown Girl • Words • When You're Young And In Love51livrepdf110
1711Various ArtistsIt's Easy To Play Pops 3It's Easy To Play Pops 3 : Always There • Theme From EastEnders • Holding Back The Years • I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) • I Know Him So Well • I've Been Losing You • I Want To Wake Up With You • The Lady In Red • Money For Nothing • Only Love • Private Dancer • To All The Girls I've Loved Before48livrepdf110
1676Various ArtistsIt's Easy to Play RagtimeIt's Easy to Play Ragtime : A Breeze From Alabama • The Chrysanthemum • Cleopha • Combination March • The Crush Collision March • The Easy Winners • The Entertainer • Eugenia • Heliotrope Bouquet • Maple Leaf Rag • Ragtime Dance • Sensation • The Strenuous Life • The Sycamore - Arranged by Frank Booth64livrepdf011
1705Various ArtistsIt's Easy To Play Rock'n'RollIt's Easy To Play Rock'n'Roll : All shook up - Be-bop-a-lula - Blue suede shoes - C'mon everybody - Don't be cruel (To a heart that's true) - Great balls of fire - Hallelujah I love her so - Holy mackerel - Jailhouse rock - Long tall sally - Oh boy! - Peggy sue - See you later alligator - Somethin' else - That'll be the day - Three steps to heaven43livrepdf110
1708Various ArtistsIt's Easy To Play Soul ClassicsIt's Easy To Play Soul Classics : Ain't No Sunshine • Band Of Gold • Cry To Me • Drift Away • Feeling Good • Hit The Road Jack • I Get The Sweetest Feeling • I Got You (I Feel Good) • I'd Rather Go Blind • In The Midnight Hour • Let's Stay Together • Midnight Train To Georgia • Respect • (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay • Stand By Me • Walk Away Renee50livrepdf110
1709Arranged by Cyril WattersIt's Easy To Play WaltzesIt's Easy To Play Waltzes : Emperor Waltz (Johann Strauss) - I Know This Must Be Love (Franz Lehar) - Love's Unspoken Word (The Merry Widow) (Franz Lehar) - Old Sleepy Head (Edmund Eysler) - On My Lips Every Kiss Is Like Wine (Franz Lehar) - Over The Waves (Juventino Rosas) - Skaters' Waltz (Emil Waldteufel) - Sleeping Beauty Waltz (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky) - The Blue Danube Waltz Op.314 (Johann Strauss II) - Valse (Coppelia) (Leo Delibes) - Waltz (Faust) Charles (Francois Gounod) - Waltz (Serenade For Strings) (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky) - Waltz In E Flat (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky) - Waltz Of My Dreams (Oscar Straus) - Waltz Of The Flowers (The Nutcracker Suite) (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky) - Waltz Op.39 No.15 (Johannes Brahms) - Waves Of The Danube (Josif Ivanovici) - Willow Waltz (Cyril Watters)44livrepdf110
1703Whitney HoustonIt's Easy To Play Whitney HoustonIt's Easy To Play Whitney Houston : Didn't we almost have it all - How will I know - I will always love you - I'm every woman - My love is your love - One moment in time - Run to you - So emotional - Step by step - Where do broken hearts go - You give good love47livrepdf110
1117Michael BubleIt's Time - Michael BubleFeeling Good - A Foggy Day (In London Town) - You Don't Know Me - Quando, Quando, Quando - Home - Can't Buy Me Love - The More I See You - Save The Last Dance For Me - Try A Little Tenderness - How Sweet It Is - Song For You - I've Got You Under My Skin - You And I105livrepdf110
461Johann Sebastian BachItalian Concerto - Johann Sebastian BachThe Italian Concerto, BWV 971, original title: Concerto nach Italienischem Gusto (Concerto after the Italian taste), published in 1735 as the first half of Clavier-Übung II (the second half being the French Overture) is a three-movement concerto for two-manual harpsichord solo composed by Johann Sebastian Bach. The Italian Concerto has become popular among Bach's keyboard works, and has been widely recorded both on the harpsichord and the piano.18originalpdf000
2177Artistes DiversItalian Jazz StandardsItalian Jazz Standards - Trascrizioni di - Transcriptions by Antonio Ongarello : A zonzo - Butta la chiave Gelsomina - Camminando sotto la pioggia - Cerco una ragazza - Che cosa c'e'? - Conversazione - Dolce sogno - Fatalità - Fiori d'arancio - Ho un sassolino nella scarpa - Il cielo in una stanza - Il pinguino innamorato - Innamorati a Milano - Io che amo solo te - La canzone di Marinella - La gatta - La notte è piccola - L'abito blu - Ma l'amore no - Ma le gambe - Marilù - Marinai donne e guai - Mi sono innamorato di te - Mille lire al mese - Musetto - Nel blu dipinto di blu - Non arrossire - Non dimenticar le mie parole - Non gioco più - Non partir - Quando canta Rabagliati - Quando dico che ti amo - Quel motivetto che mi piace tanto - Resta cu' mme - Sapore di sale - Se stasera sono qui - Sentimental - Senza fine - Sì ,sì ,sì - Silenzioso Slow (Abbassa la tua radio) - Spaghetti a Detroit - Ti dirò - Ti parlerò d'amore - Tornerai - Torpedo blu - Tu musica divina - Tu non mi lascerai - Tu vuò fa l'americano - Tuli tuli pan - Vedrai vedrai106livrepdf110

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